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Playstation Tablet

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Everything posted by Playstation Tablet

  1. You didn't understand imo. Of course their games will be day and date on PSnow as a service, where you can buy God of War 2 for 60 dollars then stream it or play it on a PS5. That's not the question here. The question is that you aren't getting God of war 2 for 10 bucks.
  2. What's the point of a camera unless there is VR? Or maybe they are dirt cheap now or something
  3. This aligns with an old rumour PS5 having a camera, as well as the controller. 1. PS5 devkit is named Prospero. He provided images earlier this year before anyone had seen the now leaked images. 2. PS5 and Scarlett will both use different techniques and approaches to Ray Tracing. He left cryptic hints which the site refused to print. 3. Xbox Scarlet'a kit has a huge emphasis on Camera. The current camera is capable of 4K with a 2ms lag! There are demos of Snapchat like lighting changes. Meanwhile, PS5 uses older camera tech. 4. He says both consoles will have the la
  4. Sony is looking to expand people that don't want to invest into PlayStation hardware, to sell games to. Their goal is to give you a PSnow catalogue of something to play, and give the ability to buy their games without hardware. Even then they expect most PSnow streamers to own a digital library and existing hardware, and this be a side thing.
  5. Yeah you can buy digital versions to stream from your account. No shit. You aren't getting Spiderman 2 or God of War 2 for 10 bucks day 1. That 10 bucks is to stream it after you buy it.
  6. + Backward compatibility on launch date and carried over digital libraries and GAAS saves like Fortnite and destiny.
  7. Is it possible that Sony can fuck up? Of course. Will it happen? Highly unlikely. Even in the event of their fuck up MS really has no chance anyways.
  8. Why? He made PS what it is today in Europe.
  9. The only thing Sony has to do is not fuck up the price and the gen is in the bag. Even a PS3 level disaster will have them win anyways.
  10. If multiple GOTy candidates and a 200 dollar Spiderman bundle didn't sell Jon on a PS4. Nothing will, he had no issues dropping 500 on a game less X that plays the same games. The issue here isn't PlayStation
  11. Insane price cut for those that care. US: $9.99 – monthly / $24.99 – quarterly / $59.99 – yearly (from $19.99/ $44.99/ $99.99) Basically you can play UC4 and GOW with no PS4 for 10 bucks.
  12. I think it's more a Sony thing. You can't go to Naughty Dog, Santa Monica, Sucker Punch and say make GAAS. The studios don't want it, and I think Sony realised the value of these big budget SP games as a platform holder.
  13. There are too many talented people in the business not to be replacable. The nightmare was when Phil Harrison that guy at stadia was managing PS2/PS3 first party. Now that was pure ass.
  14. Everyone seemed to disliked the guy before they said he was leaving. But he deserves credit. Santa Monica almost closed down and he greenlit God of War and Spiderman. And doesn't believe first party should do GAAS.
  15. Damn that's a fairly romantic take on things Welcome back. :)
  16. Walmart clothes probably aren't bad though. :ben:
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