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Playstation Tablet

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Everything posted by Playstation Tablet

  1. 50 year old hot tranny >>>> 18 year old landwhale female. Fight me
  2. Being FAT makes an 18 year old look worse than a 60 year old. Landwhales are basically unfuckable.
  3. You can spin it however you want. But when you compare the animations and feedback of Uncharted 2 to 4, or TLOU1 to TLOU2 the difference is night and day. Coalition is just a B tier developer while Epic made three AAAs in this franchise.
  4. 30s women can look the most premium if they are in shape. Prime milf. Obviously 20s on average look better
  5. What tech. 2019 Unreal 4 can't out do 2008 Unreal 3 on stronger consoles.
  6. The Coalition is just a worse developer than Epic. It's as simple as that.
  7. I don't expect RT next gen with PS5 outside some gimped hack. Way better aim for 60fps.
  8. Game has level scaling that can make it harder. Just switch off leveling and abuse the draw system.
  9. Speaking of ODST that game sucked so hard I think even Resistance 2 was better and that game was borderline BAD
  10. Don't forget the X has a potatoe CPU. So they didn't exactly have much to work with to get the framerate to a locked 60. So it's impressive noting Gears 4 didn't lock at 1080p 60.
  11. They gave God Hand a 3/10 and it's one of the best action games ever.
  12. I got agree with Dynamite it's a fairly tasteless political jab,that shouldnt be in the game.
  13. Calling half the country fascist because they disagree with your opinion. It's not US specific. Same shit is happening with the British exist, where it's basically a 50 split. Is this a rational form of politic dialogue?
  14. It was a fun 20 dollar game. We could use more of these.
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