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Playstation Tablet

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Everything posted by Playstation Tablet

  1. The issue is that XBox is most 20-35 year old male dominated brand as well, which makes it comical.
  2. Hopefully Sony can expand them into a three game studio now. Not two.
  3. No worries there are some other bargain bin devs up for sales from Kickstarter.com
  4. The simple fact the games are simply on a more desirable system means more sales.
  5. I have no idea what sane non fanboy would drop 500 on a Scarlett after this.
  6. Man why didn't they say MS game studios at least, not XBox to soften the blow.
  7. Who cares if XBox loses like two of its two whole AAAE games this gen right?
  8. I'll get Rare replay for Perfect Dark and Banjo. Never played them.
  9. He's my fave gaming youtuber. But Ion Maiden isn't his best video by far.
  10. MS is playing the long game. With no games.
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