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Playstation Tablet

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Everything posted by Playstation Tablet

  1. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=cVyMsAja5z8
  2. It's awesome but don't take it seriously as an MMO for PVP or end game. Waste of time.
  3. Didn't even look at the profiles, randomly swiped left and right not giving a fuck. Got a "date". Didn't even expect her to comez just flake. I'm 186cm. Basically 6 feet tall. Then she comes. She's fucking 189cm. I told her straight away I got a friend that's 192 this might work. But she said she's going to hook me up with her free friends and she was a fun time.
  4. Memory constraints of 360 era games, that have been sold at retail for 4 years straight.
  5. Doom 1 and 2: - Coded using C# using Unity as a shell. - Uses software rendering on all machines. - 1080p on all consoles - Uneven pixels because of not scaling pixels properly. - Aspect ratio is incorrect - 35 frame rate cap on all machines, which does not divide evenly on 60hz displays, meaning uneven judder. - Lighting is incorrect and overly bright in certain scenarios - Music playback is slower and less accurate. - Sound effects also seem muffled - "This version doesn't look or sound great" Click to shrink... Do
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