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Playstation Tablet

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Everything posted by Playstation Tablet

  1. Only issue is apparently if you play all paths the game is 120 hours like Persona 5.
  2. I used to think Japanese waifu culture in games was lame. But the alternative is fat lesbians, trannies that look like Walmart people etc. I'll take it.
  3. Japanese make the best games. It's why PlayStation and Nintendo are king's.
  4. JRPGs if done right are literally a fail proof purchase.
  5. Sell the Pro while it has value. Get a PS5 while you play through the Switch games. You need a multiplat box with PS5 anyways for shit like RE, DMC, Sekiro etc.
  6. If Astral Chain is really a mix of Deus Ex and Zelda with PG style combat.
  7. You know Japan is going to do it best. The best Western LGBT game imo is Read Only Memories 2064.
  8. My dick doesn't go up. How many IRL land whales have you rejected. I don't think I could fuck them if they paid me. Like pussy is pussy, right? Well. I can't I can't stand fat women. They are an eyesore.
  9. https://store.playstation.com/en-us/product/UP0006-CUSA16175_00-PSEAACCESSHUBAPP And no fucks were given.
  10. She "will be visiting him one last time this weekend to tell him never to contact us [...] again",
  11. The goal of hobo pass is to make as much filler AA content to keep subs, not AAA games that take 5 years to make. It's the Netflix model. If you defend hobo pass, you have to accept that this will be the majority of their strategy going forward. AAA single player games with the game pass model will be rare.
  12. Matt Booty said their new devs choose what platforms their games release on. Chances Outer World 2, Hellblade 2 or even the Inxile games skipping PlayStation aren't very high. If they have sales and a fanbase, working multiplat engines, at least on PS they can sell them for 60 bucks unlike hobo pass.
  13. Another PS3 gem. Really want PS5 BC for this or a remaster for good performance though.
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