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Playstation Tablet

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Everything posted by Playstation Tablet

  1. Quick Jump Log in TopBottom Forums Gaming Forum Gaming Hangouts EtcetEra Forum
  2. It's an an some baseline if devs have access to a new gen hack for 4K TVs.
  3. These are closed boxes. You have to compromise somewhere to get a certain fidelity. Sometimes your game is 30fps instead of 60, sometimes it's 1800p or 1440p. The balance of these things are upto developers. But RT eat intos the budget big time of a closed box big time. Yeah it would be amazing if everyone could get 4K 60 with RT. But that just isn't happening, and that's just on the res and performance side. Nevermind asset downgrades and compromise there.
  4. Yeah, but that's not the question. Remij's PC that can do like 4K 120fps in Control, has to run Control at 1080p 60fps with RT. We aren't talking just ress and framerate either, we'll probably have to sacrifice graphics and assets on top for RT. I don't really think the performance level is there for RT to be implemented in a realstic manner. PS5 and Scarlett are nowhere near his PC either. RT I can see in a Pro revision added to base PS5 games, but currently I don't think it's realstically possible without sacrifices that aren't just worth it.
  5. Consoles follow a 3 year upgrade cycle like PC now. It's irrelevant.
  6. Multiplat studios At first, though, Schafer had concerns about his studio's identity shifting or that this move would result in less creative freedom. "I was very concerned about our culture and identity," Schafer says. "They explained the new way they're doing these acquisitions with unplugged studios that are not integrated into Microsoft. They're left alone, they do their own thing and stay independent, but are well funded. It sounds like a good deal."
  7. I hate benchmarks. They never scale properly. 7850HD - 4,044 PS4 - Under 5,000 2070 RTX - 18,103 Vega 64 - 19,200 1080 GTX - 19,370 Gonzalo - Over 20,000 2080 RTX - 21,892
  8. Obviously. But it will still probably take up die space AND will be much worse.
  9. If RT hardware is taking up die space, it such a waste of space. It's not like RT will ever be used in any AAA game because of the performance cost and it seems it only accelerates lighting from AMD's roadmap. You ain't getting the full package. It's just a waste for 90 percent of games. Just look at RTX benchmarks that costs more than the PS5 and Scarlett combined. It's unrealistic on consoles.
  10. Before the SSD announcement and other cool stuff. I expected a Vega56 or a slight upgrade over it. So if true is surpassed my expectations.
  11. Okay so apparently this is equivalent of a Vega64 GPU. Sounds about right. Issue is this could very well be a Chinese console. But would they really go for such a hardware setup? No clue.
  12. Don't you have a ghetto ass PC anyways. It doesn't even matter since we are on the verge of next with a glhuge CPU jump
  13. Is this good or bad. I really doubt it's the PS5 APU. It leaked too easy and early.
  14. What the fuck, exclusives dont make a console a clone. They make it have an identity and purpose.
  15. Sega hints at a possible remake for PS3 title Yakuza Kenzan And as such, the words attributed to producer Daisuke Sato during the Taipei Game Show that took place last week will certainly not fall on deaf ears. While the producer was present to celebrate the release of Yakuza 5 on PS4, Daisuke Sato answered a question about the remasters, and he himself discussed the case of Yakuza Kenzan in an optimistic way. "Personally, I think Yakuza Kenzan is more suited to a Kiwami redesign. Kenzan was the first Yakuza to come out on PlayStation 3 and it was only released in Japan. Many Weste
  16. Wanted to bump this not for the limited print. But to raise awareness for visual novel fans.
  17. Ohh shit. Time to get it then. Edit - Only 15 bucks with free shipping.
  18. https://www.resetera.com/threads/microsoft-games-on-ps5-is-it-going-to-happen.125316/
  19. All the game pass threads are 90% PC gamers after that 3 years for 1 dollar thing. Also no exclusives makes XBox have even less of an identity, and it can't be a PS5 clone by default then.
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