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Playstation Tablet

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Everything posted by Playstation Tablet

  1. He said the business isn't selling consoles. For reference PS4 outsold the XBox in the US. Yet still sold more in Europe than US if I remember correctly. In Asia the ratio is even more brutal. Basically XBox doesn't exist at even deeper price cuts than the US. The hardware business outside the US, is even more tragic for XBox where their price cuts give no results. XBox could cost 100, and PS4 could cost 300 and it would still get outsold. Stop being a retard and look at the global picture, even if US determines the majority of XBox sold, the worldwide marke
  2. MS is doing drastic price cuts that Sony almost never matches. Phil flatout says there is no money in selling hardware. Their hardware business is nowhere as lucrative as the PS or Switch hardware business, it's just a fact. Outside the US which is it's strongest market the price difference is MUCH higher between the PS4 and One. It's normal to see a PS4 go for almost 300, and S go for $170 and get outsold something like 1:10.
  3. It's seeing much lower sales overall at MUCH higher price drops, Sony like Nintendo is making a healthy profit on hardware, while MS isn't. Their hardware business is nowhere as viable or healthy. It's not even comparable, and it has no games coming to give the hardware a boost in the next 16 months either. If the S was the same price as PS4, the difference would be even more brutal. Price parity with PS5 will give very questionable results, it's in the real of possibility Scarlett will be a lower seller than One was without a dual SKU strategy.
  4. One major screw up and they just go multiplat, while keeping the XBox console as any even smaller niche side thing. I'm not exactly sure why say MS will do better next-gen, when XBox is currenty tanking badly, and 16 months left it's on life support. Then somehow a new piece of hardware that will have all multiplats on PC, some on Switch and probably all first party as cross gen for a few years is going to turn anything around. Their starting position with Scarlett is a LOT weaker than their starting positioning with the One coming off the 360 imo. https://au.ign.com/articles/2019/
  5. Why aren't Zelda and Mario Odyssey 10 bucks on Nintendo Pass
  6. Honestly it looks like 343 is getting their shit together with Halo Infinite. It looks very promising, even though we saw no gameplay yet. I don't know how Phil let Gears 5 slip by though.
  7. The first was a very gimped game, compared to this and I enjoyed it more than DQXI lol.
  8. Yes wanting exclusive games for hardware is retarded. Next thing you're going to say is exclusives are anti consumer aren't you.
  9. The reality is that lemmings would take an S powered console with real exclusives that aren't all on Steam, or shit like Cuphead, Ori on Switch. Outer Worlds exclusive on XBox, or playable on PC and PS4? The answer is obvious. It's always been about the exclusives, everything else is absolutely secondary. Lemmings spinning that it's a binary choice, it's not. You can have amazing graphics and exclusives, or you can have a multiplat Gears 5.
  10. I would love to see Sony set the CGI cartoon bar with a new Jak, Sly, or Ratchet game on PS5.
  11. It's real exclusives for this guy. He'd take an an S powered console with exclusives over an X powered console with non. We know this dude from 2004
  12. The lemming side is having a hard time understanding that the Sony side of fans aren't as invested in the hardware win as them. They are projecting. Yeah a win would be nice, but for lemmings a lose going by their meltdowns is going to hurt. You can see the difference in reactions when XBox was supposed to have the guaranteed win, the reactions were night and say between the two fanbases. Generally speaking 399 if somehow possible for either side is the ultimate win imo. If one is 500 the other is 400, XBox is fucked completely. And if MS manages 400 Sony is going to take a major h
  13. They need to fire who ever planned this E3. There is no way someone looked at the footage of Gears 5 and Halo Infinite and said okay this is fine. Any sane person would ask the Dev teams, where is the rest... Especially Gears 5.
  14. Yeah this was a big wtf moment. DF couldn't even tell if the lighting was ray traced. If it was, whats the point. Just up the performance and shit that actually makes a noticeable difference.
  15. With the ND lighting artist hyping RT lighting. Well probably get a comparison in a TLOU2 remaster/patch. I'm honestly not expecting much even with ND at the helm.
  16. Show me impressive RT lighting in action. I don't mind. I'm not against the tech, I just wasn't impressed. The RT sound stuff was great.
  17. Whatever. Shawn Layden and Jim Ryan could star in double penetration gay porn for all I care and show their dicks at a pride parade. Their job is to deliver good games, same applies to Phil. I don't care about shit like this.
  18. I watched RT quake 2 and RT lighting is one of the most useless things I have ever seen. Shiny shit RT is good shit though.
  19. Wii U has more exclusives than XBox One.
  20. Educated guess? I assume price difference.
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