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Playstation Tablet

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Everything posted by Playstation Tablet

  1. They were GOTY nominee level back with Max Payne 1/2. Not sure why they couldn't recapture the magic again.
  2. The PTSD and persecution complex lemmings are suffering from this gen. They are so shellshocked they think there is a global conspiracy against XBox by everyone.
  3. It ain't that. You could be running this game at like 144hz instead and above 1080p. The tech is great. The issue is performance.
  4. Shu has a shit load of studios to manage across the world. He didn't fly his ass over to Finland for a multiplat.
  5. Sony locks down exclusive content from devs they don't own, yet MS isn't even making exclusive content for the games they publish on PS4 from the devs they own.
  6. Sony moneyhatted marketing rights and content I think for Control as well. So something is up. It's a weird choice, but yeah they fit pretty well in the AAA single player scene.
  7. Same price as the 2 year old Zelda. Buying MS games. https://www.amazon.com/Legend-Zelda-Breath-Wild-Nintendo-Switch/dp/B01MS6MO77/ref=sr_1_3?crid=1MJMACHIR7SAH&keywords=zelda+breath+of+the+wild&qid=1561148538&s=gateway&sprefix=zelda+%2Caps%2C323&sr=8-3
  8. Honestly screen space reflections are more than fine, RT shiny shit is cool, but the performance cost is surreal. Who cares if RT can reflect things that AREN'T on screen while SSR can only reflect whats on screen.
  9. This is getting really weird. What could they take over?
  10. Yeah MS was laughing their asses off with One launch sales, and now SAD sales.
  11. Sony literally saved used games, and physical discs.
  12. ZHuge said Sony will have a killer PS5 unviel, and that MS's will be good, but not as good. I assume he's talking games. If Sony doesn't mess up, they play it right, they have a chance to bash in MS's face in so bad they will wave the white flag. We're kinda on the verge of MS capitulating if they don't get a major win over PS5. Not talking hardware either. They need a big strategic win in the console market, not one or two bulletin points. MS needs to go. They continuously try to pull gay shit on us. Always online, digital only consoles, garbage like Lockhart. Fuck em.
  13. If they were expecting a 3:1 sales ratio for Lockhart, I assume the current Scarlett is not Anaconda in full. It's got to be more price competitive. I still stand if PS5 isn't 399 specs be damned, next gen will suffer.
  14. She got over 50K grand Kickstarter for he shit video series. A male feminist that supports here did the same he got like 200 bucks total.
  15. The console reality is this. They are going to have another painful 16 months of no killer apps, bargain bin no profit hardware sales, with disastrous declines ahead till Scarlett launches. Then there is no guarantee Scarlett can sell better than the One, you've been posting an MS console resurgence since the S in 2016, nevermind Scorpio. The latest addition to the family of useless hardware boxes SAD just launched last month and bombed so unbelievably bad even the haters are in awe.
  16. Going by XBox sales this month. You are lightly put, a minority. The vast majority just view it as a devaluing of the XBox hardware and a reason to skip it.
  17. It's an XBox X2. What exactly are you expecting from it. How many times does Phil have to say console sales aren't critical to him.
  18. Resetera owner ZHuge confirmed that Lockhart did exist, but it seems when Brad got the info in late 2018 it was already cancelled by then. He got an out of date leak.
  19. "Maybe the Sony fanboys don't like the thought of their exclusives being on PC instead of just their favorite plastic box, but the relatively underwhelming Navi reveal and things like ray tracing which are likely to be "half baked"/under-powered implementations on both PS5 and Scarlett make me quite happy as an Xbox guy to have the option to play next generation games on a higher end PC if I choose"
  20. Even the MS tools understand Lockhart was MS's only chance to sell next-gen, and if Anaconda isn't getting a win, it's over. Their console future is done. It's why this question is emotional for lemmings. Forget a comeback, the question is when the whole console division turns into a questionable asset.
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