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Playstation Tablet

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Everything posted by Playstation Tablet

  1. FFXV had global illumination for lighting though, this is much simplier. Basically FFXV's lighting sacrfice wasn't worth the other compromisesl
  2. It's Gears for fucks sake, only Halo is bigger for MS. Unless you count the multiplat Minecraft.
  3. Well it's like asking how you hit a new 5 years sales low, when you launch a NEW console SKU that month. The Phil Spencer effect.
  4. I dont think I'll even bother waiting for the PS5 version lol.
  5. I think there should be at 3 month exclusivity to the digital store/retail release for big AAA games before going to game pass. Like you buy a the game and it's resell value is like 5 bucks the moment you buy it or something, and it fucks the budget planning for some games. They are tanking value of exclusives so much, with steam, game pass etc. Zelda is still 60 bucks for a reason.
  6. The part that stuns me is that game pass is doing absolutely nothing to sell hardware. People view it as some throw away service that's kinda just there. Then proceed to buy PS and Switch for full 60 dollar releases. It's a bit mind boggling actually. If people saw the so called value they'd be buying up hardware.
  7. I love these Japanese niche games. Going to probably run real bad on Switch, not even sure about the PS4 version
  8. Also back onto MS supporting cross gen for a long time. Imagine they start making Scarlett exclusives, imagine how badly that would hurt their Gamepass model. Gamepass in their eyes is more importantly than hardware, and Phil says if you're in the ecosystem be it on a launch XBox or PC he has no desire to sell you a new piece of hardware. Services > hardware. There are multiple other reasons as well.
  9. It's crazy how Uncharted and Gears switched qualitywise. OG UC was like a solid 7 while Gears was GOTY.
  10. Outer World's looks amazing and I expect it to be MS's best game and future development team. But it's a low budget game nowhere near AAA. If it sells I can see it getting a bigger budget for the sequel but I doubt it will be AAA. Plus you going with MS's strategy the sequel will probably be cross gen, and they most likely won't skip out on PlayStation either. AAA games are usually more generic, safe and boring. So I'd rather Obsidian do their own games rather than go bland with an AAA budget. But there are diamonds there like Zelda or God of War. MS could use something like those
  11. If I was Phil I woulda actually prefer to bring the games to PS without game pass so I could sell them for 60 bucks. I also think COD crossplay is a first step in them working out some kinks they have for future integration of other games.
  12. The alternative is some puppet right wing dictator.
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