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Playstation Tablet

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Everything posted by Playstation Tablet

  1. The reason your getting vague no denial talk, is because this month the SAD tanked it's launch, and XBox had its lowest month in 5 years. It's making Phil more "negotiable" and "open" and "forward thinking".
  2. Jesus Christ how did one tweet from Riener make all the XBox "insiders" deflate and run away.
  3. He was XBox's first part head since the OG XBox days. He didn't come from Mars. He's an old school XBox guard dude. For fucks sake he greenlit and managed Vodoo Vince.
  4. I like his point about about two parents having kids with different consoles, and allowing crossplay so people can play irrelevant of the boxes they own. But I remember perfectly when PS3 Unreal Tournament and Portal 2 allowed cross PC play when 360 didn't. When they had the lead they were just as protective of the ecosystem as Sony is now. So I don't buy into that bullshit. If they were at 100 million sold, you can bet your ass cross play wouldnt be on the agenda. I also remember the COD map packs that took up half of each E3 conference in the 360 days. Phil we know why you're act
  5. Well it's obviously all currently in the works. They're looking at their XBox sales, negotiating with Sony and Nintendo. They haven't made the call yet. If Sony and Nintendo play ball with XBox Live integration for the games, and the sales of XBox keep being weak. It's gonna happen. Though I think they might wait a year to see Scarlett sells before making the call with PS specifically, and depends on their Sony negotiations. If XBox drops even further than this month, that will be some additional "motivation". If these questions were asked to N
  6. Jason from Kotaku said if MS can workout the links with Sony and Nintendo, he's heard Phil would put all their games there in a heartbeat.
  7. Totilo: So if you had your way, would you be selling Gears on the PS4 this September? I love how he dodges all the questions and like Matt Booty gives complete non answers. Instead of actually saying, no.
  8. https://kotaku.com/phil-spencer-on-xbox-s-unusual-strategy-working-with-s-1835652509
  9. Totilo: I’m curious how far you see this vision extend, because I know some people wonder: “Does Xbox even need to have a box?” long-term. Does it need to have all its games all on one device anymore? Where does this go eventually? Spencer: We use this tagline both internally and externally: Play the games you want, with the people you want and we say on the devices [you want], which you can think about as “anywhere.” And we are driven by that. We actually think two billion gamers on the planet, the size of the business that gaming is today, that for us the industry continues to gr
  10. Well Sony commited suicide in 2006, yet by 2009 they had Uncharted 2, MGS4, Killzone 2 and Demon Souls. Phil has been at the helm for 5 years, and this was one of their worst E3s. While Sony returned a lot of good will and PS3 went out with a bang.
  11. Whats there to revist, Silent Cartographer is basically a beach landing. That's been done a million times. Halo 3 had an almost identical level with Assualt on the Control room. They are way better making off new interesting levels and enviroments, nothing really stood out enough to revist. People would barely notice. This isn't MGS4 shadow moses revisit. No Halo level will have such an effect.
  12. The Maverick AKA SAD was a terrible idea. If it was canceled and never made it to the market would that mean that it was never in concept form? Why would Phil admit this for example.
  13. Windows central leaked the code names. Lockhart, Anaconda the now Scarlett, and Maverick the SAD. There absolutely no reason to doubt their Maverick leak for example that they got right , alongside the other two.
  14. I'm no sure why it matters so much to you. Even we speculated there was a high chance the thing would get canned in our pre E3 discussion. What matters is that it no longer exists. But if I was MS, it'd kinda suck since they have to revise their next gen sales targets.
  15. It's in the resetera next gen hardware thread. I'd try to find it if the thread wasn't like 120 pages.
  16. 1. It saved us from an always online future where your console is a brick you need to log into to even function. 2. It basically saved the used game market, a key consumer choice, freedom, and killed off one of the most anti consumer moves ever imposed on us. 3. Sony saved the concept of exclusives. Back in the late PS360 days the narrative was that exclusives are only for fanboys and console warriors. That all a console needs is the big AAA multiplats like COD, Ass Creed, Fifa etc. That first party exclusives are irrelevant. 4. Sony proved single player gam
  17. We know for a fact MS released the SAD to test th market to see if people would be okay with a cheap digital only console, and we know how it sold. Plus we have documents where MS was expecting a 3:1 Lockhart to Anaconda sales ratio. It just got canned and admitting Lockhart existed means the current Scarlett was once called Anaconda. It's just way too confusing for the casuals and market to even admit something like this was in considered in concept stage. The idea of being more powerful and cheaper at the same time was a highly appealing strategy
  18. I've.seen people suggest it's one of the main advantages of Scarlett. No one buys a 500 dollar console to them go all cheap ass with hobo pass. People want God of War level exclusives even if they are 60 bucks.
  19. It's okay if lemmings hyping RDR2 with X for 400 together didn't make it outsell the Switch. But it's objectively doing jack shit to even sustain or improve the sales of the hardware.even if you ignore the competition.
  20. I love how no one sees any value in the overhyped game pass to even buy a console.
  21. Benji-Sales @BenjiSales Biggest sales related question on my mind? Which sold more total Worldwide, MK11 or Days Gone Days Gone has SIGNIFICANTLY outsold MK11 in every single market we have data for except the US. Japan, UK, Germany, France, Spain, etc its higher But US MK11 dominates so who knows Benji-Sales @BenjiSales For added perspective on why I'm curious about this The gap between Days Gone and MK11 in physical units between UK, Spain, and Japan alone is roughly 300k in favor of Days Gone. That's only 3 markets and in general Da
  22. Its sales pitch was aimed at the so called enthusiast gamer.
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