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Playstation Tablet

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Everything posted by Playstation Tablet

  1. Well we all know the win isn't about real world performance. It's more of commitment win here, and prestige of brand. If MS loses it'll be take by people that they aren't as serious as they we positioning themselves to be, it'd be taken as a morale lose by the fanbase. The Xbox fanbase meltdowns aren't about power really, it's just they've been getting nothing but bad news.
  2. I think Phil said there is no big market for it. But that was then, and this is now. If it's a headset that also works on PC, why not?
  3. If anyone was around for the Halo 2 and 3 hype, it's a clear downfall. The only game I ever remember being as hyped as those was MGS2 in the 2000/2001 days. MGS2 hype was INSANE. But such levels are unsustainable.
  4. PS4 was more powerful and a 100 bucks cheaper at launch. If One was more powerful at a higher price it wouldn't get the shit it did.
  5. MS's genless strategy is totally viable and better for the majority of the XBox audience and the steam potato PC crowd also benefits. As do their XCloud server farms with S consoles. The Scarlett crowd for them is of secondary importance in the grand scheme of things.
  6. Sony will launch PS5 with exclusives. When will MS stop cross gen? 2 or 3 years after launch? I don't know and don't care. Because even a year with now exclusives for new hardware is ridiculous in itself.
  7. I can grasp everything just fine. You're the one with the sour grapes here with MS's genless first party strategy.
  8. Please fuck off with this damage control. Horizon 2, God Of War 2, Days Gone 2 Spiderman 2 etc will all be PS5 only, and not a single AAA Sony studio will announce a new PS4 game.
  9. First party? Absolutely. No AAA first party studio will make a PS4 game after TLOU2, Ghosts and Death Stranding ship.
  10. It's not my fault Sony is going to make exclusive content for PS5, while MS is talking about no gens and no users left behind. That's your problem to spin. Not mine.
  11. Sony first party on PS4 is done after the announced crop of games. Simple as that. What does COD, Fifa or Ass Creed PS4 outselling the PS5 version have to do with Sony first party launching exclusives on new hardware exactly. MS doing cross gen releases after Scarlett launches is their own problem.
  12. And? 100+ million console will have more users and PSN subs than a newly launched console. What does this have to do with Sony making PS5 exclusives day 1 exactly.
  13. The Pro came out a year earlier and at 100 less. X came in so late and expensive that MS isn't even looking at making Scarlett exclusives like Sony is with PS5. When Sony is firing off PS5 only games, everything Scarlett will be one S and X.
  14. I see. Hopes and dreams. Lemmings need fairy tale scenarios at this point because they are that invested. The Sony crowd just wants 399 if possible.
  15. What ground exactly. Hopes and dreams of Xbox being s gen ahead gpuwise at the same launch window?
  16. Sony losing is uncomfortable. But MS's reputation is riding on this as we enter next gen, the stakes for MS are higher here. They got more to lose if they dont best the PS5.
  17. When the rumours said PS5 would be weaker, the internet took it fairly well. When there is a suggestion the PS5 is more powerful there is a massive internet meltdown from the XBox crowd. The complete disappearance of MS insiders and astro turfers though is very strange.
  18. I don't get the most immersive marketing line for Scarlett. But whatever. It sucks. I bet Sony's will suck too.
  19. Cows would vote Halo Infinite too, since it's probably going to be on PlayStation anyways eventually.
  20. Sony is also going to come up with some gay marketing word like immersive aren't they?
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