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Playstation Tablet

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Everything posted by Playstation Tablet

  1. Id rather PS5 be weaker for fast adoption rates and stable third party support than have it be more expensive for a few people on the internet.
  2. Pastebin leak. Probably fake. But interesting non the less. Makes you wonder if the F64 in XBox could be true since MS wants to use it for general streaming. Next Gen Consoles (Mai 2019): Xbox die size: 392mm PS5 die size: 319mm Clock speed in current devkits: Xbox (Dante): 1,1 GHz (not final; Goal is 1,6) PS5 (Gonzalo): 1,8 GHz (was 1 GHz; now pretty much final version) PS5 40~44CU @ 1.8GHz = 9.2TF~ 10.1TF And Scarlett between 48~54CU @ 1.6GHz = 9.8TF~11.0TF I can't stress enough how PS5 needs to ideally hit 399 imo.
  3. Nintendo had Fire Emblem, 2 Zelda's, Astral Chain. It was good.
  4. If MS sticks to making One games for years, it will hurt Scarlett. But I think a 4K/60fps versions for Scarlett with some upgrades isn't a bad place to be. It's more than acceptable. Especially if they are lead designed on X like Fable is supposed to be. From what I read X will be the base design system not S, which should help Scarlett a lot.
  5. Also the the APU for scarllet suggests a mic of different size RAM modules. So it won't be 24. Probably 16 to 18 gigs.
  6. Outside of some absolutely top tier studios that are first party I don't think we will see any RT. It's all your air. Even Remij's PC takes a major performance hit that's simply not rational. If the choice is 30 FPS instead of 60, and possibly a lower ress. Everyone sane will choose 60fps.
  7. People that measured the Scarlett APU suggest it's close to 400mm. So bigger than the X one. So DF is probably low balling the specs here, but a 1080 is a good bar to set not to get disappointed.
  8. Tales of Arise was the biggest surprise imo. That's a very low bar.
  9. At the end of the day they'll be decently powered hardware for the time of releases, with no major bottlenecks and a good price. I don't think you can't go wrong with a console as your multiplat solution if it's your preferred choice. You aren't sacrificing much, if anything at all.
  10. Plus if he's going into PC gaming consoles are exclusive games material anyways.
  11. Trying to hit 4K native is a waste of time anyways. It's all that Pro and X marketing shutting up people's brains.
  12. Well GPU is only part of the equation. CPU is a huge jump, SSD is a game changer. You tried Dauntless on X and it runs like shit due to the CPU for example.
  13. Mat Piscatella @MatPiscatella Tell ya what, if we see some kind of console arms race of $500+ boxes, multiple sub services and highest end internet required... well then I'd feel even better about Nintendo continuing to lead than I do now. 104 22:26 - 16 Jun 2019
  14. It really looks like there is a hard limit of what you can fit on APU with 8 Zen 2 cores. Wouldn't be surprised if both have the same number of CUs at almost identical clocks.
  15. Well comparative to what PS4 was nevermind the One were for their time. It's fairly good.
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