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Playstation Tablet

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Everything posted by Playstation Tablet

  1. Sony, MS, Nintendo take 30 and take the MAJOR risk of building dedicated hardware they need to sustain. Steam is just a fucking app on free hardware with zero risk.
  2. Retail literally pays tens if not hundred of dollars a month payment in the center of new York and San Francisco, while implying live staff and gets by on lower cuts for games. While Sony gets a a smaller cut while running production of discs, and the same store. That was without PSn plus in the PS3 days as well.
  3. Both Sony and retail get less of a cut from a 60 dollar disc game sold than Steam does from a fucking download. What's unsustainable?
  4. As a person who is impartial to the storefront wars, someone please explain why I should champion Steam?
  5. As a gamer, why would I want a storefront to make more money than the developer that made the game I'm enjoying?
  6. Then most recent Epic/Valve day 1 launch game sold 25% on the Epic store. And the store isn't even a year old.
  7. You'd think they would at least try a Goldeneye style game on the Quake engine or something.
  8. https://www.resetera.com/threads/tim-sweeney-“if-valve-commits-to-a-permanent-88-revenue-share-we’ll-stop-making-new-exclusive-deals”.113435/ Shots fired Gabe.
  9. Last time we got Rare veterans we got a the steaming pile of shit that was Yooka Kaylee. Independent developer Chameleon Games, filled with veterans from Rare's "golden era" of game development, is announcing Tamarin, a third-person, action-adventure game featuring an agile monkey set in Nordic scenery. Tamarin "channels the energy of 3D platformer classics and explorative Metroidvania shooters." The game revolves around pollution and destruction from ever-expanding insects that forces the monkey to fight for his family's survival. Described as an
  10. PS4/Switch/Steam Can you tell us more about how the gameplay differs from the previous two titles? TT:I believe there are two major differences: the first one is changing system’s genre from old-school turn-based RPG to action RPG. The other one is the shift in visual presentation; we went from creating stylized visuals that give the impression of an old-school game to creating unique visuals that are vivid and full of originality. We put in the extra effort especially in the way we used colors in the b
  11. My favourite is when no name bodybuilders all of a sudden get attention because they say they are vegan, while sticking needles up their ass.
  12. Also back on topic. Veganism is shit. It's a shit diet. Shit ideology. It's new age social media bullshit. It a diet that's 99% liberals. And no shit all the popular YouTube and social media vegans are fake. There is absolutely no logical reason to stick to this diet.
  13. Tastes like 72 hours to enter keto if you fast, nevermind eat it can take 5 days if not more. It's not really keto. Fat adaptation takes 6 months of ketosis with no cheating, I pulled off 4 month pure carnivore with zero carbs, then added some berries and saukraute. And yeah the difference is huge the longer you don't cheat and stay adapting to keto.
  14. No issues digesting here. Keto flu is real though when you cycle. I would never be able to do normal keto, fat bombs, stupid low carb monitoring, and other non sense. I think carnivore is way more sustainable than generic keto. It just works. Keto has shit like low carb brownies and ice cream, these are trigger foods.
  15. I initially started off with normal keto, 20 grams of carbs a day. Then eventually evolved into pure carnivore without thinking about it. It's just so easy when you know what you will eat for the next 2 weeks, and on keto with high fat and protein you don't feel hunger. So you can eat once every 24 hours, or just say fuck it skip a day and it once every 36-48 hours. On a sugar/glucose metabolism you get hungry in a few hours, it's just really bad.
  16. Just go keto carnivore it owns, cheat once every few months. It owns. Works for me. Don't have to be fanatical about it though.
  17. Literally a nightmare scenario. From ownership, value, game preservation, modding, control over the experience. It's literally like the end game of anti consumerism distilled.
  18. Can someone explain how panties can actually arouse someone..
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