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Playstation Tablet

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Everything posted by Playstation Tablet

  1. Peter the Great liked collecting freak/mutated babies. They amused him.
  2. It's Peter The Great's personal collection. It's in a musuem now in Petersburg.
  3. I feel bad for the XBox dudes, feels like hermits will be the real victors of the show.
  4. Next gen is looking amazing. SSD, 3D audio are amazing even if we ignore the graphical upgrade. It really is looking like the jump from PS360 to PS4/One wasn't this much of an upgrade.
  5. Ray tracing or no ray tracing is THE question that needs to be answered.
  6. Team Nier always wins. But the game needs to be played to the third ending. First is 2B, second playthrough is 9S and third playthrough has you play as a third character. Won't spoil it. Third playthrough has new levels and new bosses.
  7. Also in theory why can't say an S or PS4 handle these tasks? Maybe stuff like ray tracing needs to be rendered real time on the console?
  8. I'm obviously against Sony making this thing even if it had a disc drive.
  9. We've been speculating Lockhart might work like this for a few months.
  10. I like how with remote play I can stream my games where I want, whenever I want for free from PS4 with no Cloud required. Even though the controls are shit.
  11. Yes because putting profiles of your competitor makes total sense without a reason. Assuming real time access in the OS and game when playing.
  12. What I think is: I actually don't know. I've been around awhile, and I sat there in 2012 and listened to all sorts of smart people tell me that mobile and that the PlayStation 4 was going to be the most terrible failure ever. The logic was actually hard to fault. But we believed in that product then, we believe in this next generation product now -- who knows how it might evolve? Hybrid models between console and some sort of cloud model? Possibly that. I just don't know. And if I did know, I wouldn't tell you.
  13. Yeah being able to check my full PSN account from the games I own to my trophy history without Sony allowing it would never happen. From an XBox mind you.
  14. I predicted something like this when COD crossplay was announced, after the Azure deal. The COD crossplay was a huge red flag, that there are some huge changes coming.
  15. They're doing this for the same reason they are doing the Garrison program that will merge your MS purchases across multiple PC stores.
  16. Yes we know. They'll offer the services like Live free to Switch and PS4 owners while they get jackshit from them gamewise.
  17. You talk about people being blind and not seeing the streaming future, yet you can't see MS's vision and strategy is completely different. The old XBox and Microsoft you know is dead.
  18. I suspect behind the scenes Sony is moving PSN to Azure and MS is working behind the scenes to make them more compatible with each other. Specifically Live with PSN, and Nintendo online.
  19. So I can check someone's achievements in cross play in the same game, while he can check my trophies. If that's the case. Well you know.
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