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Playstation Tablet

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Everything posted by Playstation Tablet

  1. Xbox Gamertags are moving to a format more familiar to users of Battle.net and Discord, allowing you to use any name you wish, even duplicates (...) with a hash number at the end. Xbox Live profiles are also getting an overhaul. (...) complete with your activity feed, and the ability to include statistics from other platforms, including PlayStation, Nintendo, and PC games.
  2. Online stores are.just butchering GameStop, it's gaming prices are never even competitive. It's a god damn scam.
  3. People buy physical not because GameStop exists but because they want to own something they can trade in or sell on ebay without buyers remorse. Or they want to share the disc game with friends. It's as simple as that.
  4. Gamers told MS to go fuck themselves with the XBox S SAD, and it's has nothing to do with retailers.
  5. I bet even this gen they won't release a discless PS5 just like the PS4. No one is compromising options to save 15 bucks on production costs, and the savings for the consumer are a loss old 50 bucks at best.
  6. Yeah just look at the bright future of the XBox S SAD. Clearly a success.
  7. On consoles physical is often cheaper than digital already. It's very common.
  8. All these gaming dedicated stores that massive are most worthless. Shit prices and what not compared to online. The specialized smaller ones are great.
  9. Perfect Dark also fills out a hole in MS's lineup since it's nothing like Halo.
  10. Perfect Dark is the one IP that deserves a second shot, not made by the current hacks at Rare though.
  11. I think the Spyro and Crash's success might have inspired MS to do a same style remake for the Banjo games.
  12. Is Banjo even a known character outside a niche on forums? Master Chief of bust.
  13. Banjo in Smash would be one wierd ass coliberatikn. I think this only further confirms the upcoming MS Nintendo partnership with leaked stuff like Ori.
  14. Which side are you on? Releasing games on Steam at the expense of their console is a dickslap. Or MS is doing "all the right" moves to max profit?
  15. Sony was talking about remote play, that shit needs some better.solution than gluing your phone onto a Dualshock and the latency and quality is terrible.
  16. I'd say my new Dualshock lasts about 6 hours with headphones connected.
  17. PlayStation has had three consoles sell over 100 million. They don't get lucky cause someone fucked up for 4 gens in a row. They know what they're doing.
  18. If they don't innovative with the Dualshock 5 it would be a very big mistake.
  19. Resetera dude says the Dualshock 5 will surprise people. I wonder if it can possibly split into a VR controller.
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