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Playstation Tablet

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Everything posted by Playstation Tablet

  1. Also IF Anaconda is revealed as discless and you defend it. Fuck you Dynamite. Have some dignity.
  2. Here is what Phil Spencer's skinny fat as is thinking as to why he wants a digital next gena me is willing to bite the bullet. 1. More profit from game sales directly from the store. 2. You aren't part of the XCloud ecosystem if you buy discs. I'd you buy digit they can sell you on paying for Xcloud. So it's further service growth in what's their future main game platform. 3. Undercut Sony pricewise, but this probably the last thing he cares about because hardware sales in their new vision are an afterthought. Might even think going discless could result in more hardware
  3. Sony doesn't even seem to try a digital only box, even under the pretense of "options". And it's not because they are stupid. MS's strategy of "options" is just a smoke screen of pushing an agenda softly, in the end there will be no options.
  4. The SAD has an ulterior motive beyond just selling, it's a market test, educational run, and a view of the viability of the trade in program and it's reception. It's a very evil device and they aren't even hiding it. Plus they flatout admitted it in the reveal that ain't no on buying this shit full price. Even they know it. They basically said wait for bargain bin prices.
  5. People holding out for a 200 Spiderman bundle aren't the target audience of the PS5 lol. Also Nintendo is building a very strong audience to transfer for next gen with strong with current digital indie sales and line up if retail sales. I can see it carry Nintendo with Switch 2 even if they have some fuck ups. Brand loyalty is strong and transferable unlike the Wii Sport idiots. Those people were a list cause.
  6. Leak says 7nm Super Slim PS4 this holiday. Pro is not getting a slim version because it would take too much money for a revision, and manufacturing a new model. Which is actually what many people suspected. Brad Sams confirmed the digital SAD we currently we have as a temp stand in, and we are getting a small box revision for it this holiday. It's hard to predict right now, but the X probably won't get another major revision, and if the main theory of what Lockhart is true. The X also serves no purpose, even the SAD is much more marketable.and serves apurpose.
  7. MS and Sony honestly this far into the gen only have the 200 triump card.with 7nm super slims, and if it works out for MS. 150 SAD model. I don't think Sony will sell over 120 million lifetime. This target audience will buy few games and rarely sub to online, especially with PS4 and free Fortnite online. Zero point in aggressive pricing.
  8. If PS5 is March 2020, PS4 sales don't even matter. MS and Sony will have to shitbin the Pro and X soon anyways as they are not viable. Pro revision is good expensive and pointless, while X is pointless in the face of Lockhart.
  9. I agree. Save money till next gen launches, you're way better of spending it on next gen games, services, hardware. 200 dollar 7nm Super Slims for this holiday season should do the trick, and just ride out the current gen for a few years in raking in the money.
  10. Nothing to surprising tbh. Seems to be on par for course of the last month's, even down to YOYs and sales ratios.
  11. https://www.gamersyde.com/news_a_quick_taste_of_days_gone-20811_en.html
  12. DDR4/HBM2 memory management. That leak even if not true is interesting. HBCC is basically a fancy name for the GPU being able to page it's VRAM out to system memory... Where it could really help is if games start depending on it, so a game could load 32GB of textures, but only 16GB in use at any time for instance... no loading screens or stutter it would just stream them from the system memory as needed. If consoles use this it would mean they could use more of a cheaper system memory and faster GPU memory...rather than as they have done in the past and running then entire S
  13. The lighting is nice, but is it really something you need RT for? I mean it doesn't exactly looks better than real AAA lighting. We need some AAA budget game to compare this stuff imo with on and off. Not Minecraft.
  14. Someone made a point. First 18 months third parties are on PS4/One cross gen. What's the value of point of Lockhart? 4tflop version? Halo Infinite launches on X and Lockhart... Same ress on both? What's the value. We need to rethink Lockhart. Or they think an SSD and RT can carry it...
  15. B3D. Feels like the leak stuff is entering retard territory. At least this is the best detailed and drawn one. This is fake btw.
  16. XBox GPU to have a dedicated RT block. https://mobile.twitter.com/blueisviolet/status/1119804993580568576?ref_src=twsrc^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1119804993580568576&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fs9e.github.io%2Fiframe%2F2%2Ftwitter.min.html%231119804993580568576
  17. We assume that local streaming calculations to reduce latency will be run on a calculator or phone level piece of hardware. Or even a One S. What if MS's vision for a streaming console isn't some chrome browser POS like Stadia but a highly specialised piece of hardware like Lockhart. Worth considering it imo it would make the leak saying it's a streaming box make sense. Maybe this way streaming will be extremely competitive with native this way. Not the Stadia garbage we saw where there was huge lag input at their own demo show. Obviously you might even stream 4K with n
  18. What do you mean? I'm just thinking Lockhart might be a misunderstood system, I'm not sure if MS will ever release a non 4K console after X. We got one theory that it's a massively downscaled Anaconda. But what if it's something different?
  19. Market leader isn't even bothering to release a spin off with no disc for either a test or a future investment. Remember back at the start when people said this would be the last physical disc gen? Watch the same streaming is "teh future" stumble. We are winning
  20. Also what if Lockhart is a streambox but renders latency things on its end. Say even ray tracing, physics etc on the box and the rest is streamed? 4tflops doesn't mean it will actually render the full game. Like.4.tflops is REALLY low.
  21. Lockhart to me sounds like a byproduct of MS's XCloud project. I think it's designed specifically for cheap server blades for streaming. I don't think MS has high hopes for it outside some budget niche, and it would never even be made if not for XCloud. If they can get all next gen games at 1080p on their streaming service for hardware that's much cheaper than Stadia they have a huge advantage especially with all the multiplats. They're going to just throw it out on the market with no expectations, cause why not. The fact Sony isn't designing a streaming ori
  22. Some people heard there will be architecture differences with PS5 and XBox, nothing silly like XBox not using Navi. It's possible that designing a single system and two different scaling systems could require different solutions that make sense in a PS5, but scales like shit across two systems. So it's not as simple as three same systems, different clocks and more/less ram.
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