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Playstation Tablet

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Everything posted by Playstation Tablet

  1. Game streaming already assumes you own a $60 controller, unlike any other form of streaming where you own nothing. Unless you have Playstation and XBox controllers lying around for some weird reason...
  2. Google DOWN: Platforms YouTube and SnapChat experience issues as millions affected https://www.express.co.uk/life-style/science-technology/1135382/google-down-latest-news-youtube-snapchat-gmail-issues-technical-problems-google-analytics lol just now.
  3. Everyone I know who plays Fifa plays it multiplayer, the streaming audience is going to run out and buy 2 controllers for $120. Ain't happening.
  4. On a serious note what franchises does MS for example have, that thinks XCloud will beat out PC + XBox hardware together has for the streaming audience? Who is going to jump en mass for Gears, Halo and Forza? Same could be said for Sony.
  5. Yeah like there is a huge audience of lapsed Halo gamers that can't pay $150 for an S or something.
  6. Especially when people are saying it's going to "grow" the market, I don't think people understand how niche Playstation is in the grand scheme o of things, and that the brand actually means nothing to these people on phones or youtube or twicht.
  7. First Streaming needs to get to Vita's 10 million number, THEN we can talk about some sort of future.
  8. Replace streaming with "handhelds" circa 2009, and everyone playing on their phones.
  9. I know that, but it's question if they will do it though. It's also possible they are developing multiple Anaconda models, a $400 and $500 variant and will decide on which they'll use depending on user feedback and market eventually. Consoles could mean anything, don't forget we were waiting for "consoles" at Stadia's conference to an extent and all we got was a server blade spec. Lockhart could possibly be the server blade spec of Anaconda. Anyways there are multiple ways this can play out where in reality they launch one piece of native hardware.
  10. Also all he has are codenames, MS was also developing a system for 2016. It got cancelled. Even if Lockhart was in prototype mode, it doesn't mean the thing will be announced, nevermind actually make it to the market. Don't forget MS prototyped a handheld back in the PSP days. I'm leaning to the possibility of it not making past concept stage.
  11. I honestly don't know. I also fail to see the point assuming MS goes for profit mode and makes games for One cross gen for 2-3 years, whats the point of Lockhart for those few years, and the Anaconda will be hitting price cuts by then. It would make Lockhart basically compete with a $200 PS4, and with no disc drive on top. That's almost DOA to me. When analysed rationally the rumour COULD be true, but I honestly wouldnt be surprised if gets blown away as misreporting this E3.
  12. You know Sony, MS and Google are really dividing the skin of an unkilled bear here. First they all have to first confirm a huge market for streaming even exists, before they even get to the "streaming wars".
  13. I was thinking that too actually, it goes in line with the information we have from MS that they plan to offer hardware that renders latency based tasks on the hardware and streams the rest. I just can't see them shitting out a system with half the GPU power for no reason, or god forbid 4tflops or whatever.
  14. Well Brad Sams might have not actually understood what Lockhart is. Maybe it isn't a gimped next-gen system, it's something else and there is only one real native hardware device with Anaconda. That's also a possibility, he's just making assumptions off a codename,
  15. I don't need to redo my math, because their geometric projection growth rate is delusional.
  16. The issue with PSNow vs Stadia, is that it's easy to explain to a PS4/PS5 owner why they should choose PSNOW. To the person that owns NO hardware, it's very hard to explain why he should choose PSNow over Stadia. That's an issue MS is going to hit big time as well.
  17. Sony said PSNOW has 700K users, they expect 50% growth rate at best per year. So assuming they hit 400K growth per year, that's only 4 million in the next decade.
  18. Honestly with the S, SAD, and the X. The last thing they need is ANOTHER piece of hardware or two. The X's timing and pricing can now in retrospective be called a MISTAKE. I always said it was too late for a revision and way to expensive. Thing's existence doesn't even make sense in the context of the Lockhart.
  19. Sony not having it's own infrastructure or renting it, is absolutely irrelevant here. That doesn't mean anything for the service as a whole. Sony has the content, BUT I'm not sure they can compare with Google's marketability in streaming.
  20. PSNow will obviously grow and become more of a success, but if I was MS i'd be looking at Google right now as the main competitor. It's only logical they'll be the powerhouse you want to fight.
  21. The streaming audience is lightly put supposed to be very "casual". The youtube play button will matter more than all the exclusives Sony has in it's entire history. The other google accounts that are on phones etc. Stadia is clearly playing with an upper hand here when it comes to that audience.
  22. Every PSNOW sub in the future, and possibly any PSN user is some money that MS makes. A Google Stadia user makes them ZERO money. In a Twisted sense MS wants XCloud to be the leader, but they would perfer than PSNOW helps them bury Stadia alive.
  23. The Stadia play button on Youtube is one hell of a fucking thing to overcome for other streaming services. That shit is like nuking PSNOW and XCloud from orbit.
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