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Playstation Tablet

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Everything posted by Playstation Tablet

  1. Sony isn't attending E3 but has more SKUs than MS. How does that even happen...
  2. It's ridiculous how many wins and ties Pro has had with the X this year.
  3. They should really try to make a new Ninja Gaiden, they got their quality back the shit that was NG3.
  4. God damn you guys should read the no exclusives for launch, and next gen speculation threads at Resetera. You can almost taste the salty years of everyone doing the mental gymnastics with a Halo avatar. https://www.resetera.com/threads/windows-central-at-launch-weve-heard-there-wont-be-any-xbox-scarlett-exclusive-games-for-at-least-a-few-years-cont-update-in-op.119891/
  5. Traveling the map from mission to mission in Ass Creed will eat 20% of your phone battery alone lol
  6. So they added over 20 new PS4 game SKUs, and one game less for XBox. So its safe to assume a PS4/Switch Japanese multiplat will be announced that will skip XBox.
  7. The PS5 is too far into development to change, this thing has been in design since 2015 and the APU is too far in the process of finalization. But it any cloud hardware will probably be co developed. I doubt PSNOW is going to have that hardware till 2021 anyways.
  8. It's very possible that the retail hardware will be very different, but they will be able to virtualised both machines in the Cloud on one system. Cheaper, less systems needed, less non active systems sitting there, it makes sense.
  9. I really hope a lot of Wii U stuff gets ported, good games are rotting away on that thing. And Wii ports without motion controls would also be god like.
  10. In also don't really consider myself a Sony fan. They just happen to do what I like the best, console gaming. Their business interests and vision align with what I want, so we make due. There is really no alternative to PlayStation. It gets the hardware right, they have all the software from Japan and the West, they have a cool first party, they believe in console generations, they allow limited prints of games, they have a huge line up of cheap physical games unlike Switch, they believe in exclusive software. XBox has turned into a joke, and Switch is cool but it's a gimped handhe
  11. No. Because they haven't censored any games I'm planning to get, can't think of any. But if they gut some this badly just gonna get the Switch version on a nice little cart. :)
  12. Hopefully it's mostly exclusives. I have a feeling Nintendo E3 is going to own hard.
  13. I honestly have no idea how they will price the two models. But 600 sounds insane, and there is no point in having two models unless the difference is at least 200. But then again no way you get a gimped next gen system for below 400 either, but Lockhart the lower one is supposed to be discless so maybe? So the pricing is hard to predict, I think we might be misunderstanding what they are planning. They need to clear this shit up at E3.
  14. The one legit MS insider that does exist. Confirmed GPU decompression for the SSD.
  15. Well that's also assuming you load everything into ram with each transition from scratch. Most games have a set amount of ram dedicated to stuff that is never really swapped out anyways. Also it's not like the GPU can actually access those 16-20 gigs at a time it will take multiple cycles. So I'm pretty confident for next gen load times.
  16. Assuming a 5gbps data transfer rate and 16-20 gigs of ram. That's like 3 seconds loading max.
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