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Playstation Tablet

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Everything posted by Playstation Tablet

  1. The graphical presentation is finally upto par with other Sony games. Also it looks original enough, too much negativity.
  2. Two SKUs is already confusing, two SKus with discs and no disks would be insanity. While we know MS has a low end and high, I think we really don't know the real range. The Lockhart might not be as gimped as speculated, and Anaconda might not be the super premium we expect. But a two SKU imo doesn't make sens unless the two have at least a 200 dollar difference. Sony imo is going for the safe and tested 399, that's why they feel confident.
  3. He posted some surreal shit like AMD leaking Sony's APU to MS and other nonsense that's a no go in business. I'm actually starting to question if Lockhart has a different power spec, maybe it's just a feature less tardpack ala 360 arcade. Anyways we'll see since E3 is soon, we are going to at least find this out.
  4. Brad Sams said they are going to redesign the SAD sizewise later in the year. Which just reconfirms it being an emergency test run, not an actual product that's designed to sell as it's making goal.
  5. Pastebin leak with grammatical errors Vs Cerny directly confirming? Also everyone was doubting SSDs, Digital Foundry and Jason Schrier heard about SSDs at GDC and zero load time marketing and dismissed them because they thought it would be too expensive. As for hardware accelerated RT, almost no one expected it. We all thought it was just some PR move till the ND wrist confirmed it.
  6. Also with Sony stealing the reveal hype of SSD instant loading and Ray Tracing. Means MS might up their E3 game. They can't just show those two things, and call it a day. We're 5 weeks away, going to be interesting what MS will show, I think this will push them a bit further. Better not focus on fucking XCloud.
  7. Shu and Ted Price just did an interview hyping machine learning in game development. Wonder if that means MLSS/DLSS is now pretty much guaranteed for next gen?
  8. If MS can outspec the PS5 at the same price or vice versa. That's major ownage. PS4/One style. If they come out at different specs with different prices, it's just different pricing and power tiers. Which will just end with people jjustifying why they will pay X or Y why for tier Z. Or why they don't care etc I also agree.with Remij SSD might be the biggest difference between current and next gen. Also we are far off each can change some of the stuff the last minute ala 256 megs for 360 or 4 gig.PS4
  9. There are literally hundreds of brands making those though, and there is a huge legacy audience. We are talking about specific model for very specific games. Discless PS4 doesn't seem to be in the cards, and Sony's biggest market Europe is very disc oriented. Looks like they'll just have a different strategy at this point. MS has a huge digital presence in very digitally oriented markets. What would be a big lose to Sony, simply isn't to MS. I also assume Live Premium will let you access XCloud with the same games on any device.
  10. I think the reason Sony went first is because people NEED to know they have BC at this point hurts brand confidence. Also if they revealed after MS that they have an SSD and RT, sounds a bit like #metoo.
  11. I think the target audience of both consoles in reality will just eat up whatever MS or Sony give them, and how the dice will end up rolling. People are choosing ecosystems for the most part not specs.
  12. . 100 more and a year later. Both would get similar results for 500 in 2017. They all use the same parts, someone has to fuck something for there to be a big difference at the same price.
  13. They initially didn't specify why it would be more powerful, now supposed they confirmed that it's aprice difference.
  14. Well I am reading through a 50+ page thread. I only saw them mention prices.
  15. It was info sent by that MS fanboy Klob, they verified as true. Another one also sent the same info.
  16. There is no way both XBox models don't have an SSD. The PS5 reveal of SSD, RT, BC is basic shit XBox will have. MS can't have XCloud load instantaneously, then have Lockhart just chug along
  17. Anaconda is supposed to be more expensive than PS5. ZHuge and Matt confirmed just now. PS5 can't be 500, because a 550-600 system sounds like suicide for XBox.
  18. Exact quote,.which others have confirmed "But again, I don't know how this will mirror in raw numbers. I expect Anaconda to be more expensive than PS5, hence they can put in more power, with Lockhart being the cheaper alternative." I can't see Anaconda going beyond 500, it would be insane. So I think PS5 hitting 399 is likely. Lockhart? Fuck knows.
  19. https://www.resetera.com/threads/insider-xbox-anaconda-aims-to-be-the-clearly-better-performing-device-compared-to-ps5.112333/page-14#post-19986697 Here the source. MS is "aiming" to beat PS5, not guaranteed. Which honestly means fuck all because we don't know the target price of either system or what they will feature outside of power.
  20. Of course it's an option, the One has been out for 6 years. What the fuck do you expect. We are talking next gen here.
  21. They just launched a discless version of a console after marketing 4K UHD as a defining feature for 3 years since 2016. BC is a non factor they already have a trade program coming. Gamepass and XCloud are the future, not shoving discs into your console from them. You're a retrograde peon to them.
  22. The day Sony confirms PS5 having a disc drive, MS announces the first discless console ever. And I'm the only wishing things in. It's clear MS will push a bullshit agenda and lemmings will simply have to take it.
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