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Playstation Tablet

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Everything posted by Playstation Tablet

  1. Options is a myth, until something is forced. Numbers. It makes no sense when you're calculate them. Until someone shows me how the numbers make any sense, I'll buy into it. Sony literally confirmed the disc drive first thing for a very good reason, it needs to be standard to be justified.
  2. Let's go numbers. 1. NBX sells 10 million a year, over 50% are sales from the cheaper model that's guaranteed to be discless. 2. This leaves a few million XBoxes a year that could have a disc drive, so let's assume half which is 5 million. We know the digital attach ratio is way higher on Xbox. In the absolute best case scenario there is an audience of 1-2 million for discs. 3. Stocking and making disc based consoles simply becomes non viable. From his borderline non existent retail stocking for games, assembly line production, to a non existent hardware bas
  3. Brad Sams said Lockhart is discless, and the argument of "It just will" is not an arguement. When 50%+ of your consoles sold don't have a disc drive no retailer is even going to bother to stock discs. This is noting that going by current gen over half of XBox owners are digital even with a disc drive, making it even more pointless. What's the damage control for this going to be by the way? It's pretty much guaranteed at this point.
  4. Dynamite made like 5 panty censoring threads, and on the other big forum they had like 10 threads with 200 pages of Sony dying cause of a lack of crossplay, teh anti consumer. As for the hardware it's hard to predict without knowing, but using Pro Vs X as an example is a joke unless you want the Anaconda in late 2021 at 100 dollars more. The architecture being more advance isn't happening, this is same song and dance that X wouldn't have a jaguar CPU. Also consider that next gen might be discless for MS across both models. I personally expect MS to use being discless to
  5. There were threads that Sony would lose next gen cause of lack of Fortnite crossplay, panty censoring, and Jim Ryan backward compatibility quote from 5 years ago. Where the fuck have you been.
  6. I think Sony is bullshitting us with the price expectations, and is going to walk out with the magic 399 price and the internet will assplode as if it's some sort of miracle. While in reality it's just slighy modified off the shelf parts in a 399 box. Same goes for MS. Also so called MS insiders don't know PS5 specs but magically know it's going to be weaker. You can feel the damage control, since they were praying Sony would fuck up. You can see it from all the pseudo arrogant Sony is back threads of non sense.
  7. Dude this sounds like the biggest load of fan fiction bullshit. Nobody with a working brain believes any of this. The best is that its more expensive, and has higher clocks and more ram. Thats it. Lemmings have PTSD after this gen and get overly emotional.
  8. It's honestly is starting to sound more like damage control. Since PS5 has confirmed BC which many said would lose them next gen, and with stuff like Navi with RT and SSD as standard they are obviously not skimping on hardware. Post Navi GPU architecture? Really?
  9. Remij was saying that the PS5 and next gen would be digital only. Thankfully he didn't end up right.
  10. https://www.pcgamer.com/amd-navi-specs-release-date-price-and-everything-we-know/ The move to 7nm allows for a substantially smaller die size, higher clockspeeds, increased core counts, and new features. However, current indications are that AMD won't be adding any specialized hardware cores for ray tracing, at least not with Navi 10. Navi 20 (a variant of which is likely to find its way into the PlayStation 5) will be where AMD adds ray tracing hardware, and it will replace the current Vega and Radeon VII cards, but it likely won't be available until 2020. But for the initial Navi 10
  11. The only reason MS is making Lockhart is that they need cheap boxes to shove into the XCloud. That's it.
  12. I expect Switch to be Nintendo's longest lasting system without a successor, 7 to 8 years sounds about right. The Switch Pro should be interesting to see.
  13. Digital Foundry Leadbetter said apparently Lockhart being 4tflop is true.
  14. I think Gamepass Ultimate is aimed at the PC crowd, so they are forced to for Live when game pass launches on PC.
  15. This basically reconfirms to all the digital future retards there is literally zero benefit to a digital only console,not even the marketing team can save this shit.
  16. That was.. I'm a bit lost. Dynamite can probably help. This is also on the day they confirmed PS5 has a disc drive. It's actually insulting.
  17. Thankfully the cross inside didn't burn, if it did, it would be like the signalling of the end times.
  18. ZHuge said he expects PS5 to miss March 2020, said they will have an absolutely killer software PS5 reveal. Benji and Matt actually expect 399, Cerny might just be making it seem more.expensive then surprise people with the price.
  19. Wonder if they will have the balls to make the Dualshock 5 splittable for VR. Cool thing is your PSVR1 will play all future games it seems, as.expected though.
  20. Tflops are pointless numbers if we don't have the memory bandwidth to match. People focus too much on that. The fact we are getting RT acceleration and standard SSDs is already above expectations.
  21. ZHuge said that Sony is preparing a killer PS5 reveal from what he knows on a games front. I would love to see a next gen Shadow Moses if the MGS1 rumour was true ;(
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