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Playstation Tablet

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Everything posted by Playstation Tablet

  1. https://mobile.twitter.com/KOMACHI_ENSAKA/status/1114819458395066368?ref_src=twsrc^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1114819458395066368&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fs9e.github.io%2Fiframe%2F2%2Ftwitter.min.html%231114819458395066368 Navi 10 is the low end that next gen will have maybe even a light version of it.
  2. Apparently the last MK game sold over 10 million. I have no idea what the fuck they are doing
  3. When I got the OG PS4 I had to google to find the fucking power button
  4. The DMC franchise as a whole is not even in the same league as From's 2009 and on games.
  5. Animation just doesn't look good gameplaywise.
  6. Bodycount is overly emotional when it comes to PC due to all those years of XBox defending.
  7. Only expansion packs, race changes and server transfers in MMOs. So 20 bucks
  8. There is a high chances a third party game will go multiplat for the most part, Octopath staying exclusive was just sheep delusion for the most part. Persona 5, Nier, Yakuza are PS4 exclusives but it would never suprise anyone they would be getting ports.. Only reliable exclusives are first party.
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