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Playstation Tablet

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Everything posted by Playstation Tablet

  1. Bodycount is overly emotional when it comes to PC due to all those years of XBox defending.
  2. Only expansion packs, race changes and server transfers in MMOs. So 20 bucks
  3. There is a high chances a third party game will go multiplat for the most part, Octopath staying exclusive was just sheep delusion for the most part. Persona 5, Nier, Yakuza are PS4 exclusives but it would never suprise anyone they would be getting ports.. Only reliable exclusives are first party.
  4. Why so many tears lol it's not an XBox losing Halo and Sunset. Switch has other exclusives
  5. Gonna trade my copy in and wait for the PS4 version. Looks like it debunks Nintendo owning the games exclusive publishing rights.
  6. We need more Asian games not from Japan. It's absurd only Japan makes this stuff.
  7. So if this has the maximum GCN architecture number of CUs 64, and that's impossible since some need to be disabled. This would put it at 12tflops max.
  8. You're forgetting the price factor, this won't come in cheap.
  9. 48 gigs = lol. This is beyond fake. Unless of course Dev kit just has double the ram.
  10. Being a land whale is what kills the sexual appeal of women most of the time. It makes me wonder if chubby chasers are actually into this, or all they need is a vagina and a pulse and their standards basically don't exist. I have chosen to jerk off to porn by the way, over sexually unattractive women that I could score with.
  11. Yea but there are much bigger franchises coming to Switch than Persona 5.
  12. After a random ass character like Joker, MC makes a lot more sense. Though I doubt it will happen.
  13. The issue with Onimusha isn't even that there are too many Samurai games. The issue is that it's an inferior Resident Evil in terms of being survival horror, and it's a worse action game than DMC. It's stuck in some sort of middle ground.
  14. Three 2D Zelda's s just too much. They should remaster some 3D ones before that. Maybe its time for a real OOT remake?
  15. God Hand Sequel and remaster. Onimusha I have no idea how they would handle that. Also Product Number 3 has good reboot potential imo.
  16. Working on to yourself for the sole reason being chicks is a dead end, and it will be pointless, frustrating, disappointing, and in the end you will be filled with nothing but regret.
  17. Feminists argue trannies are men therefore don't understand women issues.
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