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Playstation Tablet

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Everything posted by Playstation Tablet

  1. "The entire industry is going to be turned upside down in the next ~5 years. Everything will change, and no one is safe. Google, Amazon, and Apple are just the tip of new players wanting to get in on gaming. There are several more gigantic companies looking to break in, and acquisitions are the quickest way to do that. Which raises the pressure on the current players to keep up..." The streaming wars haven't even started and they are already more overcrowded than the god damn console market. This is the CD 32bit get all over again with tons of corpses and dead
  2. Matt is speculating 399 for PS5. He says price isn't locked but that's he feels it will be. Consoles always have future GPU tech inside, maybe there are other cool things coming,not only dedicated RT hardware assuming it happens. The issue RT hardware competes for die space with compute units, so shit flatout eats into overall APU perform. Maybe not be worth it.
  3. It's also be great but if they can push way beyond 16 gigs as well, which Stadia has.
  4. Cuphead couldn't be published on Switch without them allowing it, and MS not the cuphead Dev asked for the port... Dynamite is playing retard mode here.
  5. So I checked up this doesn't seem to be an exclusive that Apple owns.
  6. They're going 100% Switch multiplats with ports and XCloud/Gamepass. It's getting to the point where Playstation is in the cards, which seems insane and impossible a few years back, now no one can deny the possibility. The even admitted recently they want XBox Live on PS4.
  7. Yes it is. Also Agents of Mayhem destroys SR4.
  8. Probably designed mostly for the upcoming PlayStation tablet. United States Patent10,238,965 Colenbrander March 26, 2019 Cloud gaming device handover Abstract Methods and systems to identify options of secondary client devices for a device handover of game play include establishing a session of game play of a game for a primary client device by executing the game on a server for streaming video frames to the primary client device. A request is received to generate a profile of one or more secondary client devices that are identified to be local to the primary client dev
  9. Sony clearly is saving their games for a PS5 showcase.
  10. You're saying this after state of play 24 hours ago that was basically a VR show.
  11. I agree with BC. Nintendo will probably save their big announcements for directs. Sony willnhave it's own separate event. Only MS will bring in the big guns there. XCloud and MS games on Switch is what people will remember the most.
  12. Beastly, it's going to get only better with PS5 and PSVR2. They are capturing a huge niche here, that willnonly grow.
  13. Original rumour assuming the controller is real. PS experience returning, Most devs already have dev kits for ps5 ( Spoiler: It’s a monster), Sony prepping hard for ps5 and one of the reason for no e3 next year because they blew all their load this year and got nothing new to show next year (They want to show new stuff at psx) 4K/60 stable and at the same time kinda monster Small reveal mid 2019, Big one at psx, Plans might change though Only thing i can tell right now for specs is Ryzen 8 core, Price is 500$ PS VR 2 on the other hand will have no breaker box this time arou
  14. The rumour of DS5 having a camera at the front instead of a light bar came with the 500 dollar rumour. So Anaconda being designed to match PS5 makes sense, that it will also be 500.
  15. The two speakers on the side of the touchscreen makes me believe this thing is real, because only Sony could come up with something so worthless and then implement it as if it was a good idea.
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