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Playstation Tablet

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Everything posted by Playstation Tablet

  1. That's a touchscreen btw. Also PS4 Dev kit controller was leaked the same way through 4chan, so it could be real, not final, but very similar.
  2. Nintendo Co. plans to launch two new versions of its Switch gaming console as early as this summer, people familiar with the matter said, as the company seeks to sustain sales momentum for the product going into a crucial third year. One version will have enhanced features targeted at avid videogamers, although it won't be as powerful as Sony Corp.'s PlayStation 4 Pro or Microsoft Corp.'s Xbox One X, according to parts suppliers and software developers for Nintendo who have early access to a prototype of the machine. The other version is a cheaper option for casual gamers that Ninten
  3. I guess I confused stuff. Anyways the next gen patents were specifically using the term checkerboarding and reconstruction with variable refresh rates. Make of that what you will.
  4. I thought all variable framerate did was duplicate a few frames if there was a few framerate drops in the scene, and this will work on any standard TV if baked into the console.
  5. I can't believe no one has done a PC game test of checkerboarding reconstruction comparison between 30fps and 60fps. How much the image quality improves, or doesn't based on weighed the reconstruction is 30 or 60fps. Due to higher frame count therefore accuracy.
  6. X has only two noticeable wins this year. Metro and Division 2. Everything else is arguably better on Pro or even in the worst case of spinning equal.
  7. 2019 has been an ideal showcase why checkerboarding done right is the ideal way to approach the resolution problem of 4K pixel counts in closed specced boxes. If the patented 4K 60fps checkerboard solution with variable framerates works out we are in for a huge treat next gen even with the modest GPU bump over the iterations.
  8. When I playing RE2 I hid from MR X in the clocktower room and interigation room, planning how to run around. Only after I hear the game I found out he can't even enter them, but damn it was fairly tense when I didn't know when I was playing.
  9. I think the issue is how do you balance it. So it's not too annoying, and actually scary. You can't have a running dude with a rocket launcher have the same function as Mr. X
  10. The issue is Nemesis is going to be super hard to get right. And a B team will fuck it up no questions asked.
  11. Shit sales = shit support. Lemmings should be worried that the MS Premium model will continue to get ass raped by a cheaper PS5 next gen, especially in Japanese games.
  12. They all obviously speak Russian as their main, but I can't understand a word of this.
  13. Online gaming on this fucking platform.
  14. This makes zero sense since Pro and X are more or less the PS4 equivalent hardware of their time like PS4 was in 2013.
  15. This gen all have the biggest CPU jump since PS2 to PS3. Looking at the GPU only is foolish.
  16. You must have skipped every console assuming this...
  17. It might be and I hope, a new Persona 5 game using Persona 5 assets for a fast development cycle. Not a revision.
  18. According to Brad Sams the Dev SKUs between Lockhart and Anaconda for devs scaling wise will be blorderline a press of a button. They aren't going to be designed to have different assets, or anything major at all. They're going to be designed with that instant button scaling. Think Switch docked and undocked.
  19. If you ask the average non tech forum poster they just say give me the best hardware you can for 399. MS's two SKU is a very interesting approach,but I think it complicates things to some extent. It's better and less confusing for the consumer to get the option of a PS5 Pro in 3 years. I have no idea how MS would market a next iteration with two existing SKUs already, and Anaconda is guaranteed to be pretty shit to anything that comes out 3 years information he gen.
  20. If you're thinking about specific settings, and card benchmarks I don't really consoles should be your main multiplat machine. Because they are about what you can put in a box in at reasonable BOM, and price X or Y. That's the key here, not matching setting X or Y.
  21. It's a bit weird to read the tech internet crowd though, people are literally willing to denounce a whole gen based on 1-2 teraflops below expectations. Stuff that's like 10-15 percent difference, which will be borderline a non factor. I feel a lot of these tech people are a bit out of touch with the market, nevermind reality of console design . Say PS5 ends up 10tflops instead of say 12tflops, and that's enough of reason not to get a console. Your perception of console expectations is a bit fucked, and you should just go PC for multiplats.
  22. Lemmings aren't completely dead yet, we need to finish the job. TLHBR.
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