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Playstation Tablet

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Everything posted by Playstation Tablet

  1. It has a new female protagonist apparently. That's all we know for now. I assume Switch is happening.
  2. I wonder how they feel that MS said they want XBox Live on PS4 for obvious reasons, and we know we're this is going if they workout a deal. Us cows won't be paying for it either.
  3. I'm doing for a VR Kings Field or Shadow Tower. Sony Japan studios can for he heavy lifting like with Bloodborne while From does the design.
  4. Lol what. Even this is a huge upgrade. It's a 399 box with a controller, 2tb HDD probably with SSD, amazing specs for the price. It's a killer deal.
  5. This very good news, means more new IPs. They really need to expand and have an extra team.
  6. The only reason MS is keeping you around is because you're stupid enough to pay the $60 a year to play F2P games that are free on PS4/Switch/PC and make them 3 billion dollars a year on this? You're a filler stop gap till they transition to greener pastures, and spit in your face with Switch Game Pass, and Steam ports of your last exclusives?
  7. People offended about gender choice, when you choose between like 6 different species of vampire clan.
  8. The whole concept of vampires though is transhumanism.
  9. That's good news. Retail should only about discs, and this is a clear sign with PS5 on the horizon. If MS goes discless next gen, Sony is going to cover a huge audience of people that want to own, trade in or share their games. For example I lent my RE2 copy a few days ago.
  10. I don't know. There is 1 big PS4 announcement left according to insiders that is probably now saved for PS5. There are weekly PS4 niche announcements that need coverage though, PSVR.
  11. The key to next gen anyways is getting MS games on PlayStation anyways, like the Switch. That's the true battlefield. All Sony needs is a 399 box with specs to match the price. That's all.
  12. I'm still baffled Sony has an exclusive marketing deal for this... Why?
  13. Chris Avellone is one of the main writers I expect this to be very good.
  14. Also I think 399 is a must. 500 is just way too damn much for the worldwide market and it would compromise sales to the point it can hurt third party support, and stall next gen adoption. Especially with MS having a cheap SKU it's even more important to hit that price.
  15. New PS5 BC patent. http://patft.uspto.gov/netacgi/nph-Parser?Sect1=PTO2&Sect2=HITOFF&p=1&u=%2Fnetahtml%2FPTO%2Fsearch-bool.html&r=2&f=G&l=50&co1=AND&d=PTXT&s1="SONY+INTERACTIVE+ENTERTAINMENT+AMERICA+LLC"&OS="SONY+INTERACTIVE+ENTERTAINMENT+AMERICA+LLC"&RS="SONY+INTERACTIVE+ENTERTAINMENT+AMERICA+LLC" I think BC for all PS consoles might happen with PS5 because they need universal hardware to put into their streaming service. That's the main reason I'm a believer PS3 BC is on the
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