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Playstation Tablet

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Everything posted by Playstation Tablet

  1. Chris Avellone is one of the main writers I expect this to be very good.
  2. Also I think 399 is a must. 500 is just way too damn much for the worldwide market and it would compromise sales to the point it can hurt third party support, and stall next gen adoption. Especially with MS having a cheap SKU it's even more important to hit that price.
  3. New PS5 BC patent. http://patft.uspto.gov/netacgi/nph-Parser?Sect1=PTO2&Sect2=HITOFF&p=1&u=%2Fnetahtml%2FPTO%2Fsearch-bool.html&r=2&f=G&l=50&co1=AND&d=PTXT&s1="SONY+INTERACTIVE+ENTERTAINMENT+AMERICA+LLC"&OS="SONY+INTERACTIVE+ENTERTAINMENT+AMERICA+LLC"&RS="SONY+INTERACTIVE+ENTERTAINMENT+AMERICA+LLC" I think BC for all PS consoles might happen with PS5 because they need universal hardware to put into their streaming service. That's the main reason I'm a believer PS3 BC is on the
  4. Brad Sams said Anaconda's design choices are to match the PS5 specwise. So it doesn't seem they are going to do something like give it 8 more gigs of RAM. Probability just higher clockspeeds and more expensive cooling of basically the same hardware, if they decide to price it higher.
  5. They could fuck this up, but we could see it be done very well in a non intrusive and tasteful manner. I think people are overeacting.
  6. Well it's hard to predict but we have to consider the low spec Lockhart will probably dictate the amount of RAM Anaconda will have. I doubt there will be a difference outside of GPU and RAM speed between the two. Going for more RAM than PS5 isn't worth it. Since it makes it hard to price reduce, and it won't really be taken advantage off. See X's 4 gig RAM advantage that means nothing in real world terms. Devs can't even be assed to use higher ress textures.
  7. After the Stadia specs, I think any rumour that goes above 16 gigs of RAM needs to be written off a fake.
  8. The Last Guardians is an annoying trashy game sadly.
  9. They might do the LGBT aspect in a cool way like many Japanese games did, that wasn't SJW. Think Catherine or Steins Gate.
  10. Loved the game originally. I wonder if it aged really badly though, since Borderlands 2 was such an improvement.
  11. That's guaranteed though I haven't gotten a round to beating Octopath yet. It's crazy how JRPGs of such retro style are selling.
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