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Playstation Tablet

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Everything posted by Playstation Tablet

  1. MS created a separate next gen SKU with Lockhart specifically for streaming server blades. Sony only has then anaconda expensive equivalent, so even that is a problem.
  2. No one is downloading a PSnow on anything in the grand scheme of things.
  3. Why are we assuming the PlayStation userbase would ever embrace PSnow especially on non PlayStation hardware.
  4. Sell. Get a Pro and Switch. If you own both invest in a gaming PC if that's your thing.
  5. Everyone assumes streaming is the future, but is there even a market for this thing with PSnow? What main stream platforms is it even going to be in, and by platforms I don't mean hardware, I mean service platforms. XCloud has access to the Switch. It's got lame content but still day 1 big first party releases. Google has YouTube, which is literally god mode. I don't think MS can overcome this. It also has Chrome and other platforms. On the other hand Sony can literally put out a "whatever" specced machine with a PS5 logo and take the console dedicated market at th
  6. The internet will be 90% about XCloud on Switch after the E3 presser. Like 10% on the next XBox.
  7. Don't worry they'll have the Crapgamer podcast members buy the next gen XBox.
  8. Let's not pretend for a second that Phil Spencer DIDN'T get promoted without pitching this idea first himself.
  9. Remember when Jehurey said they promoted Phil Spencer so he could liquidate XBox and make it a third party platform? He said this back in 2016, and I said the same thing. And all the lemmings called us crazy.
  10. He couldn't sell this idea to the CEO. Period. He had to make a pitch that they would accept to keep dumping money into the division, he made the only choice he could under the leadership. The leadership didnt give him the mandate to "save" the XBox.
  11. It's going to take some serious work to get it onto Switch, but it's MS's biggest franchise. I think they'll take the bullet there, and go full development mode and maybe even pay for an expensive big storage cart to grow the brand further.
  12. I still feel Sony would be wise to buy them, since they offer a very unique experience with their games. Not sure why they let them go.
  13. Apparently the dude that leaked Cuphead on Switch is saying that he heard there is talk of Halo MCC coming to Switch.
  14. Let's hope the more is ported the better, and less XCloud on Switch as a solution for premiere titles. Then again they are doing Hellblade so a lot can happen in native ports
  15. I don't think PC store wars should be even an arguement or have a side. Just download the freaking 8 meg store icons, and enjoy whatever.
  16. If MS is making a custom Forza game, porting Ori/Cuphead inhouse. I can see them making a custom version of Halo Collection adaptation and Gears.
  17. They confirmed a physical Switch cart release after the DLC comes out. It's just too fucking good, though PS4 would be better for the Dpad but we'll get there eventually.
  18. White guys aren't supposed to be part of the inclusiveness or something?
  19. Sony needs to up their first party output especially Japanese studios that can make RE2/DMC5 level games, get MS games on Playstation, and they are kings of hardware.
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