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Playstation Tablet

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Everything posted by Playstation Tablet

  1. 1. Next gen XBox 2. XCloud 3. Switch full XCloud support it's a big E3 for them.
  2. Quantic Dream is going multiplat now. Looks like their Sony partnership is over, seems Sony wants to build internal studios more.
  3. Outside of being buzzwords, what in the fuck do they even mean in real world terms.
  4. I can wait. No hurry. The fact it's coming is more than enough for me.
  5. We need to support the PS5 as it represents traditional console gaming and Switch is a big fuck you to phones and other shit solutions for portable devices
  6. Gonna get this and Ori on a cart on Switch. It's perfect for collectors.
  7. " It runs pretty much exactly the same as every other version. We had to do some pretty heavy re-tooling of stuff to get it to run on the Switch properly, but on the plus side, it means that Xbox version now loads a lot faster (on the X, it loads almost twice as fast as before)."
  8. " After the DLC comes out so it's all wrapped up and patched up on one cart. "
  9. Steam. Now this. Game pass guaranteed on Switch. Native ports for Ori and Forza S incoming. Cuphead port done in-house. PlayStation up next. You fucked up Dynamite. XBox is officially dead a second time.
  10. I don't believe you. No wait, Ori is up next TLHBR.
  11. It's over as far as I'm concerned. MS lost. Add Chrome and it's even more of an ass raping. The content won't even matter for this target audience.
  12. Bashes Seriko as a one trick pony. Then goes hyped annual Forza games, Gears of War that hasn't evolved in 15 years.
  13. You can have a Google data center in your house, and optical fiber. But assuming you're streaming throw WiFi non of that shit even matters.
  14. I know this is Take Two published but this is a fucking joke. Do they have control over anything.
  15. XCloud already lost as far I'm concerned. It's an app. Not Chrome that runs on everything literally. The YouTube implementation of Stadia will simply demolish anything XCloud can do in terms of access to a userbase. It's going to be absolutely brutal for other streaming services to compete with this. Plus they already got a first moved advantage.
  16. They are worried. XBox is fucked their third priority platform.
  17. Apparently the real Stadia will use a Zen+ CPU with access to 3 cores and 6 threads per game. We are expecting 8 cores with 16 threads for next gen, and at a higher clockspeed.
  18. Doom Eternal has latency at the good event. And that's an event controlled environment. I.agine how bad this this thing will be for the average person in the real world.
  19. This will be a button on YouTube to ay a game. Did Google just make YouTube their own exclusive platform MS doesn't have access to? If this is true MS is beyond fucked in streaming.
  20. Wait Im hearing Google's VR solution will use Stadia streaming. SW doesn't have enough smileys to post how laughable that is.
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