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Playstation Tablet

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Everything posted by Playstation Tablet

  1. This discless One is releasing this Spring. If there is no major backlash in reception and sales they are going to go ahead with it. That console is a huge red flag, because it turns theory into practice. At this point MS clearly hasn't decided themselves if they will go discless or not, but they are keeping the option on the table. There are many clear benefits for them, will the cons outweigh them for them not to make such a decision? The XBox Maverick model will tell when it releases.
  2. It would clearly be an effort to move people to digital, many of the XBox users probably won't care. The risk seems to justify the end goal in many ways. Matt has almost flatout said you should go digital with the current XBox because it will pay off next-gen, that can interperted in a few ways. One of them is discless. Plus Brad Sams has suggested they are considering discless. You'll be able to buy codes cards with games at retail stores anyways.
  3. If MS wants it to be mainly a Gamepass system. Why would a gamepass oriented system have a guaranteed disc drive next-gen?
  4. Already got the game from Brazil. Released there exclusively at first.
  5. The return on investment just isnt that great. MS are build underwater cloud serves for christ's sake, Sony is never doing that
  6. 1. Not on any platform worth shit. 2. Sony never even mentions it in any E3 or media conference event. 3. Didn't even bother bidding for the Switch cloud war. 4. Turning it into a pure download service at this point on PS4. 5. Removed from PS3, Vita and TVs. 6. Infrastructure is incomplete, locked off from whole countries. 7. No killer apps released on it, Horizon, God of War, Spiderman etc. 8. $20 overpriced shit 9. No way Sony can shove PS5s into the servers for the first 2-3 years anyways.
  7. You're forgetting memory bandwidth. That's the first thing devs run out according to Cerny, way before of anything else.
  8. Sony need to use their PSVR game funds as an excuse to greenlight one. Real talk.
  9. Hope Konami goes further with remasters of the PS2 era. Contra and some other cool retrostuff though would be awesome.
  10. Its funny to watch XBox fan channels, the one that were posting MS is getting killer exclusives, XBox will destroy PS5 in first party exclusives. Key word wait for exclusives etc etc. All now change their tune that you're stuck in the PS2 era now that you don't want XBox games going multiplat, literally the opposite of the shit content they've been peddling literally for YEARS.
  11. " MatPiscatella said: The stage show the first day is just a hype show. They show the same videos and games that are already public. Everything about unannounced games is done in the casitas or meeting rooms, not in the theater show on day 1."
  12. https://www.resetera.com/threads/destination-playstation-an-event-for-retail-and-third-party-publishers-was-held-this-week.102520/ What an insane year if true.
  13. Honestly at this point it doesnt even matter what MS does in terms of what content they do. MP, SP, episodic, whatever. They actually need to make some good content in ANY of the categories.
  14. We need to see Halo Infinite, and whats being done with it. I'm on interested in the Switch logo in the game's trailer than the game itself at the moment
  15. The Initiative is supposed to be MS's next "AAAA" studios. Let's hope they dont put out a 7/10 or something.
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