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Playstation Tablet

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Everything posted by Playstation Tablet

  1. How is Zelda seamless on a storage tablet and Starfield full of loading times with a system with 16 gigs of RAM and an SSD.
  2. Well the whole Switch 2 SOC apparently leaked almost 2 years ago. We aren't going to get anything really surprising.
  3. Switch 2 sounds promising because it will see much more third party support, don't get me wrong it won't be all third parties. But sheep will really be eating with their next console.
  4. We know from the leak that it has RT cores because the standard chipset does but I don't expect to see it outside of limited scope games like Mario World.
  5. The good thing is the screen is supposed to be an 8invh LCD so the joycons will be bigger.
  6. I expect an absolute flood of PS4/One ports to Switch 2. It's going to run them better, and have a portable mode. I really hope we get the RE2/3/7/8 games on Switch I'll sell my PS5 versions for it's functionality.
  7. RE4 on Switch 2 will be a good port to measure it's power since we can compare it directly to both the PS4 and PS5 versions.
  8. Will they port Halo, Forza and other games to it. It's not guaranteed but looking fairly likely. I mean they managed to port Hellblade to Switch which is a much harder task than porting something to Switch 2. Outer Worlds got a port. Ori did as well and skipped the PS4 We know 100 percent the Activision games are coming
  9. The current rumours put release date as spring. I wonder if it's this or Holiday 2024.
  10. The most important take away is there is a chance every major third party title might run on it.
  11. The high end games on base PS4 still look so good. Imagine noticably more powerful hardware with some Nintendo magic.
  12. It'd make more sense if he was hyping a Steamdeck revision. It's obvious the Switch 2 will out power that thing
  13. I think the main thing holding back Switch 2 will be the RAM bandwidth, and that's where DLSS comes in. Portable RAM is bandwidth starved.
  14. Sugarhigh misses the point that Switchs appeal is that it's both a handheld and consol at the same time. Steamdeck is not a Switch competitor
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