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Playstation Tablet

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Everything posted by Playstation Tablet

  1. Everyone on keto notes improved brain functions, there is limited research of keto acting as mood stabiliser for bipolar which I can attest to being true. Also people jumping back from keto note that they start noticing brain fog associated with sugar jumps between meals, before your carb refeed.
  2. Come on these people were spreading the egg cholesterol myth for half a century, till all of a sudden their little dogma got flushed down the toilet. What exactly is your issue with a high fat diet. Quality fat sourcing increases good cholesterol and decreases bad.
  3. Ketones are the superior brain fuel, compared to glucose. Keto started as an epilepsy diet for a reason. https://www.epilepsy.com/learn/treating-seizures-and-epilepsy/dietary-therapies/ketogenic-diet
  4. I do it from time to time like once a week. You kinda need the sweet taste sometimes, after a 7 day fast. I generally use stevia for coffee.
  5. Why are you shoving this trash in the face of someone that can fast for 7 days straight? I don't give a shit of your diet advice from fucking Washington Post of all things, the definitive source for everything weight loss related.
  6. Don't worry it's a lot less deficient than a fucking diet of whire bread bagels, pasta, and diet creme cheese.
  7. Keto kills hunger, no one tracks calories, because for the average person it's literally impossible to over eat. It's impossible to overeat steak calorie wise because it's that saitieting. While people that would go on a diet on white bread bagels would be shoving 4000 calories and still stay hungry because its pure trash.
  8. SheepKilla is arguing that eating a steak is bad because it has more calories per gram, but you can proudly eat the same amount in a cubic meter of grass.
  9. This idiot keeps counting calories like a housewife. His understanding of shit is comical.
  10. Who exactly is most people, and second of all you probably know this. But in keto there is a sugar withdrawal of about 2 weeks, sometimes labeled as keto flu, and fat adaptation takes about 6 weeks before you effectively use ketones. This applies to vegans too who have a gut bacteria adaptation phase. The conventional wisdom you're pushing towards is a slight modification of a standard American diet. It's to miniscule to lead to significant results.
  11. Fasting increases human growth hormone, keeps Insulin stable. Not everyone is an idiot to eat 6 times a day, you're arguing to be a fucking cow endlessly grazing.
  12. I don't have anything against vegetables, that's why vegan keto exists. Anyways the other retard here is arguing for processed white bread, pasta and diet creme cheese. Which you obviously don't approve off.
  13. Frequency of eating can change the calories you can ingest, and we are talking about upto multiple times the amount.
  14. Explain why eating 2000 calories over 6 meals will keep your weight the same,while eating 2500 calories in one meal will make you lose weight. You aren't a fucking furnace or a petrol car. It's not a simple math equation.
  15. How did we survived the ice age. And before agriculture how much access did we have to say fruit, which has a season duration of a few weeks in most regions. Nevermind the fact a modern orange or apple is like 10x the size and sugar content of a wild fruit. You think they were flying oranges from Pakistan and and South America in with planes during winter?
  16. 4 factors in order of importance. 1. Eating frequency 2. Macros 3. Calories 4. Exercise The more you combine the better results you get.
  17. Yes fat spikes Insulin, that's why fasting is so popular. Actually intermittent fasting is popular regardless of macro choices, just look at prolonged fasting forums most refeed with fruits and vegetables.
  18. Have you ever even tried OMAD? Of course you haven't, so you're posting complete garbage. And I'm not even a fan of OMAD. It just debunks calories in and calories out. If you eat three times a day at a caloric deficit you would be 10x more miserable than any form of fasting that exists.
  19. You can easily eat 50% more calories a day if you eat once a day, instead of 3 times a day, especially if you snack in between. You're ignoring the Insulin aspect, in the presence of which fat is stored, and with the presence of which fat can't be processed. Calories in, calories out is dead. And that's not even factoring the actual macros.
  20. https://www.ebay.com/itm/Dock-Type-C-to-HDMI-Converter-Adapter-Cable-HD-4K-USB-3-0-TV-For-Nintendo-Switch-/401594874990?txnId=746244501027 Got this one.
  21. Examples of keto salads. If you actually want to eat your carb limit. All nutrient dense, vegetables, berries, almost zero carbs in them. While your trash is highly processed garbage like white bread and pasta. You're a fucking idiot. Period.
  22. There is no such thing as an essential sugar or carbohydrate, only proteins and fats. Recommended by who exactly? In keto you can have 8 cups of vegetables and leafy greens. Your bagel, pasta are trash carbs anyways.
  23. Your dumbass is recommending an Insulin spiking sugar bomb diet, with catabolic effects. You're a moron.
  24. Explain to me why eating 3 meals a day is better than once. I would love to hear this genius explanation. Need your sugar bomb hit or you feel like dying? Also with conventional wisdom you push, there are twice as many fat people as 30 years ago. So it obviously sucks.
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