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Playstation Tablet

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Everything posted by Playstation Tablet

  1. After your endless 4K spam, I'm having a very hard time understanding how you're selling us a 1080p machine as next gen here.
  2. I agree that a base 1080p machine makes perfect sense since they want to shove that into their streaming server bases. I think having a choice is a good thing, the two SKUs should be fine if it's just a resolution difference. If it's a choice that doesn't gimp the high end SKU, it's fine. But talk about a change of atmosphere and expectations.
  3. Speaking of bodybuilding here is a zero carb keto bro that used to do the typical chicken breast diet. Interesting take. What's GD's take on this?
  4. Brad Sams (SP?) the dude that leaks MS shit basically suggested it's a turbo X. A week ago people were bitching 12tflops is the minimum for next gen, and all of the sudden the narrative that an 8tflop console with new RAM/CPU is more than enough for a next gen entry. After all the 4K marketing hype, and endless shit people are seemingly going to be fine with what seems to be a borderline 1080p next gen tard pack? I'm a bit baffled, I always viewed 4K as a waste of rendering power. But damn the pendulum is swinging a bit too much in the other direction...
  5. Why? There are plenty on keto. Just Google it. Some use keto with carb cycling every 2 weeks or so if they really want max results. Generally the average dude that goes to the gym doesn't need carb cycling either, that's for people bordering on professionalism. https://www.reddit.com/r/ketogains/
  6. This game suffers from the David Cage syndrome of Heavy Rain and especially Beyond 2 Souls. It thinks its telling a story, way beyond what they're actually achieving. It's a fairly hack job of a story, character, and nowhere near the impact they think they are making. Not even remotely. The game is very enjoyable, and I like it. Also feels like they are dev that just discovered facial capture, and getting an actress to make retarded faces endlessly is good character growth. Solid game. Sloppy as fuck story telling. Fire the guy that wrote/directed the story in this an
  7. Lol... You avoid too much protein in keto exactly because it turns into sugar. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gluconeogenesis Gluconeogenesis (GNG) is a metabolic pathway that results in the generation of glucose from certain non-carbohydrate carbon substrates. From breakdown of proteins, these substrates include glucogenic amino acids (although not ketogenic amino acids); from breakdown of lipids (such as triglycerides), they include glycerol, odd-chain fatty acids (although not even-chain fatty acids, see below); and from other steps in metabolism they include pyruvate and
  8. You realize protein is glucogenic right? It also turns into sugar.
  9. All of your cells and body are made of fat, protein and every cell is made of cholesterol. Not a single cell of your body is made out a carbohydrate or sugar. There are essential fats and proteins, there isn't a single essential carbohydrate. And sure are fuck, non of you is made of fiber which you just shit out without digesting. You aren't a leafy green or a fucking vegetable. The idea of something you simply shit out being better for you than something nutrient dense that almost fully digests being better for you is a joke.
  10. He'll get richer at the very least. I really doubt he's not making money off his position of power.
  11. I can't make it any more easier than a 2 minute youtube video summary.
  12. Take away the diet aspect away for a second. Where are you going to find the red pillers and blue pillers? The cookie cutter plant based diet, or the zero carbs carnivore diet? One breaks all possible social norms and works, the other is the "universally approved truth". Yeah eating cuts of meat with butter doesn't exactly sound like a very socially approved norm. But it works best.
  13. I can't take advice that some random house wife would give me, just eat less and exercise more is just has been debunked in practice so much its not even worth discussing. It's not effective, it's not sustainable, and most importantly it's not "that easy". As if its some simple truth "everyone knows". It's much more complex. If anything keto, fasting are the red pill of dieting because they just blast through all the myths and bullshit. They get results, and they work. Just got to break the mental society barrier.
  14. No losing weight is not hard. Neither should it be hard or torture. They can't lose weight because they're being given garbage tools to work with. The idea that weight lose should even be hard in the first place already shows how shitty and unsustainable your ideas are.
  15. If you have massive headaches check for a prostate infection. I'm serious. The actual dick and prostate don't feel shit, the rest of your body does. That's though if shit doesn't help for days.
  16. Fasting is not only easier on the hunger sensation side, but it gets crazy results and keeps people motivated. People will go through a lot of shit if they know they'll get something in return. Lose 4-5 kilos like me a month, you're going to be going in hard. If you torture yourself with like an 700 calorie restriction per day, to lose maybe 3 pounds per month. Well no fucking shit you're not going to maintain this. No sane human can aside from some sado masochist. Who the fuck would put up with that.
  17. Well just find a few fatasses in your social circle and ask them how many times they all tried exercise and calorie restrictions and then all failed.
  18. Please do some research into fasting before you post this. Fasting is so popular because it combines calorie restrictions, but with a metabolic increase. It's the reason why after a few day fast you can pig out, and gain zero weight back. Your metabolic rate increases by 12-14% after 3 days of fasting. Fasting is also just leagues above calorie restriction in terms of the actual sensation of hunger. People that have tried both would easily choose fasting a week with no food, than eating 1000 calories a day. Doubly so if those 1000 calories aren't fat/protein, but carb
  19. Explain. Fasting increases metabolism, and is anabolic and preserves muscle mass. Daily calorie deficit is catabolic and decreases metabolism. If daily calorie restriction was better I would be doing it. It's not. Fasting is superior.
  20. Listen. Your calorie restriction plan is simply inferiour to fasting. And calorie restriction with exercise is terrible. The best calorie restriction plan that exists is exercise when you're between two states. Either in fasting or the refeed days where you eat or overeat. Counting calories per day is for housewives. You count calories per week.
  21. No you drink an electrolyte mix of sodium, potassium, and magnesium. And fasting shits all over daily calorie restriction. This is a metabolic fact.
  22. Hey genius did you ever consider that exercise makes you hungrier, and that the 200 calories you burnt at the gym at best isn't really going to do shit for your weight lose? Exercise is a health tool, not a weight lose tool. If you combine exercise AND caloric restriction it's the worst way in existence to lose weight. This is an objective fact. It doesn't work.
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