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Playstation Tablet

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Everything posted by Playstation Tablet

  1. Zombies eating 8 headshots makes getting ammo unsatisfying. Before a clip of ammo or even 3 bullets used to feel important. Now it all feels all over the place. Honestly the weapon feel and balance is so piss poor, Evil Within demolishes this game especially on harder difficulties.
  2. So in this poll RE2 is equal to some 5 dollar indie game?
  3. Going discless to undercut Sony on pricing is exactly the lame ass strategy we'd see from someone like MS, especially when they have no European or Asian presence. The higher profit margins on the digital store will be used to keep the price lower, and that's what MS will justify it with. Especially when they don't even see consoles in the future being drivers of their growth. Its all streaming and services. First party on gamepass is partly bypassing retail all together. MS couldn't even provide the limited disc print to release Nier Automata, niche games, or limited
  4. From RuthenticCookie. Old Post. Edit : Same answer as before it will get delayed, The thing is The Modified Frostbite engine on consoles isn’t performing how they want to, The gameplay you see on live-streams are all modified demos Edit edit : Ea wants it out before their earning report in March. That’s all that matters not if the game is ready or not
  5. Found that old ass post from when he leaked Sony skipping E3. RuthenicCookie Enter PSN ID • 72d Mostly on both but obviously going to be made for the PS5, Most developers already has the dev kit for ps5 and from what I’ve heard EA is testing Anthem on it Edit : Anthem is a mess on This gen Consoles, Going to get delayed
  6. Stop excusing shit. They were still adding MAIN story cutscenes a year in, after I beat the fucking game.
  7. All FF games since 1987 also came out complete before as well. FF7 is guaranteed to be a FFXV cluster fuck for example though. I have no faith in modern Square.
  8. After Battlefield tanked expectations they are probably desperate for good numbers for the fiscal year.
  9. They added a drivable car 9 months in FFXV, when before it didn't exist. That's insulting.
  10. Even Dark Souls was extremely fresh after Demons Souls because of the new world, lore, setting etc. It was unique and mysterious. The change here is even greater.
  11. Even Dark Souls was extremely fresh after Demons Souls because of the new world, lore, setting etc. It was unique and mysterious. The change here is even greater.
  12. After how badly I got burnt feature and content wise with FFXV I'm never buying a Square Enix game full price, or at launch. And I used to be a huge FF fan. I recommend you wait on this shit, maybe even for a next gen revision if it's as half finished as FFXV was.
  13. The discless version will always be cheaper, it's anything but optional when it can easily be the main selling SKU. Yes with One it is optional. Next gen is another story.
  14. We are already getting a discless model, how are people going to reject it?
  15. You're going to get boxes with codes instead of discs. There is your retail exposure.
  16. All of MS's first party games will be on gamepass day 1. They make all their profit from online services not hardware sales. The cut from retail is eating their profits. They don't give a shit about people that aren't part of the agenda.
  17. The vast majority of profits comes from game sales, accessories etc. Not the actual console hardware for retailers. So no, MS will have to satisfy retailers for them to carry discless SKUs.
  18. In the grand scheme it's irrelevant. If a discless SKU exists by default it needs to be serviced by game codes instead of discs at retail, otherwise there is no incentive to stock it at all. This will affect all models, putting in doubt if there will even be any models with discs by default.
  19. Let's assume there are two models. Discless and one with a disc. A disc covers only half the user base assuming the discless one isn't the cheaper one, which of course it will be. So the % of digital XBoxes out there will be higher. No one is shoving a disc in your plastic game box. It's going to be a code to cover the larger XBox user base. The disc one doesn't even make sense in the presence of a cheaper discless model.
  20. Just starting out, I slashed a zombie like 20 times and it still didn't die. The knife is a defensive weapon only?
  21. With a digital only option coming, I'd say they're more than ready for it. With a digital SKU console happening, games will have to come in form of codes regardless to be all inclusive. A digital only SKU by default means its the lowest common distribution denominator, it might not be worth sticking a drive for a smaller percentage of people. Especially if the cheaper Lockhart is discless, it guarantees Anaconda will be discless.
  22. Well scaling GPU resources and resolution is easier than a generational leap in CPU power. Though I do think the CPU difference is overhyped and not going to give earth shattering results in the average game. VR might actually benefit the most.
  23. This is a company that wanted to kill used games, and release an always online console. This is the same thing rebranded in a better candy wrapper. It's not a surreal scenario for MS at all, especially since they're looking at the PC market that's all digital. If they can grow gamepass, profits, services and the disk drive going is part of that plan. I don't see how this can be excluded as a scenario.
  24. I just read new die shrinks can be expected in 2021/22. That's Pro iteration time. Not next gen time.
  25. https://games.ph3.at/ Awesome stuff. More shit getting to all platforms is awesome, maybe pick up the slack where big publishers aren't doing shit or Indies that can't afford stuff.
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