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Playstation Tablet

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Everything posted by Playstation Tablet

  1. The PS4 version has exclusive VR missions anyways. The XBox version never mattered. They're Japanese. XBox version was probably an after thought pushed on by the publisher, the dev probably wouldn't even have bothered with an XBox version given the choice.
  2. I think people expecting a legit RE2 remake are going to be disappointed. Its clearly remagining.
  3. Check out Under a Killing Moon. That was also big. Phantasmagoria was a huge entry in the genre. Phantasmagoria 2 sucks.
  4. Pity its not a real NMH3. Let It Die was fantastic. They need a new publisher to fund their games.
  5. I don't work so I have all the time in the world, and even I would never watch someone play fucking games when I can play them.
  6. PS4 no question. It's an objective fact it's the best console.
  7. Destructoid - 7/10 Travis Strikes Again has some undeniable lows but the No More Heroes charm and the prospect of co-op lifts it up. Whether it's learning the intricacies of individual types of ramen or watching Travis curse at a talking cat, this is something that could only be born out of the mind of Suda 51 and his team at Grasshopper. Gamekult - 6/10 The more time passes, the more it seems difficult to be a hardcore fan of Suda Goichi. Whether discovered with The Silver Case , Flower, Sun and Rain or more likely his magnum opus Killer7 , following the caree
  8. Metacritic: 71Opencritic: 73Game Informer - 8.25/10 Travis Strikes Again finds a good balance between fun, approachable action and reveling in Suda51 and Grasshopper’s signature style. It’s not the most intricate action game out there, but the simple combat works well as a vessel for several one-off moments that elevate it above its simple premise. Nintendolife - 8/10 Billed as a side dish, Travis Strikes Again: No More Heroes has been prepared with enough love and affection to become a filling meal on its own, packed with the spice and spirit you’d expect from
  9. It just came out in March, they shutdown the like 4 servers, and a PVP server was closed. There is only one server, with no activity. The question is when.
  10. Rocket League joins the PlayStation Cross-Play Beta Console cross play could help keep the MMOS alive. Specifically Tera upcoming Black DESERT Online and other really community heavy oriented games.
  11. The Gamecube was a single analog stick console, and had one shoulder button. I mean I agree with you about them being shit in some regard, but what could they possibly do with such a controller. How would you map it.
  12. Everyone who ever bought an XBox for Japanese games has sold of theirs and got a real Japanese console instead. It was a problem in the 360 days, but MS's don't give a fuck about Japan attitude has made the situation even more dire.
  13. Also the fact PSN Plus isn't required for F2P is God sent. The Tera community for example on PS4 is thriving, while the servers are dead on XBox and are basically going to be shutdown soon. That's noting they don't even have a a huge MMO like FFXIV to compete with. I fear for buy to play MMOs on consoles because with a required Plus sub they will be fucking dead unless you got a huge ass brand like Elder Scrolls attached. Path of Exile not requiring a sub is amazing too, while Black Desert will be buy to play and the servers might end up being a fucking ghost town. I'
  14. Paying to play online, and getting random hobo games once a month. It's shit. Give me a PSN Plus/Silver gold. Silver for online play only, but cheaper. I don't want your random ass games. The regional pricing is also trash, I can get God Of War, Detroit, and Horizon complete edition for the price of the sub on disc. New. Not used.
  15. Left Alive new info on online component and multiple playthroughs By connecting online, you can switch the map over to a “Heat Map Display,” which can be used to see where other players have died. By assuming that places where other players died are dangerous, you can safely avoid those areas.Also when playing online, a fixed number of “war dead bodies” will appear in places where other players died. The war dead may have a few items to loot, and whether you decide to look for items regardless of the danger it might present or avoid that area entirely is up to you. Make that call ba
  16. NES - Ninja Gaiden 1/Megaman 2 SNES/Genesis - Chrono Trigger, FF6, Link To The Past, Megaman PS1/N64 - Chrono Cross not even a competition PS2 - SOTC PS360 - Nier PS4/One - Nier Automata
  17. Apparently its an anti social single player MMO mostly. I mean there is no way the PVP isn't a complete joke with this combat, and PVE groups will also be trash with this combat.
  18. The combat might be a complete joke so far, but this game does what FFXIV does so well. It captures the Elder Scrolls feeling perfectly.
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