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Playstation Tablet

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Everything posted by Playstation Tablet

  1. It's all instanced. It even loads each time you enter a house. So it's basically a single player game? I don't mind to be honest. But it's so ugly.
  2. Wait is this an MMO. Or single player with online elements.
  3. Dear fucking lord the character creator is worse than the F2P neverwinter online Korean trash. Made A Dark Elf Templar.
  4. Nioh 2 is so fucked, even if the game ends up being great, it will still be viewed as second rate.
  5. "Shallow" https://docs.google.com/document/d/1w7s0WFf_2CWTdTSRZrE_hERdfWoIdLhcYPAi2mHf1og/edit#
  6. It's a matter of fatigue. Wow is still the top 3 MMOS right now, but it's 15 years old. Tired of it, no matter how good it is for example.
  7. Tab targeting MMO combat is still the standard, what does combat in anyway that even remotely different other than Black Desert lately.
  8. Salt and Santuary, Layers of Fear. Really hyped for both, gonna play them soon. Furi Switch even comes with a small colored manual.
  9. This game is from 2011, and I think this is the best MMO combat I have ever experienced. It's worth a download to fuck around in, its very fun, and feels like it was made with a controller in mind unlike say FFXIV. Pity the MMOs are so shit now. We got two sub MMOs with Wow and FFXIV, the rest are being poisoned with F2P exploitive trash. Also nothing interesting seems to have been done lately either, Black Desert Online is the last interesting take on an MMO and it'd almost 5 years old.
  10. You can play Path of Exile, and Tera for free on PS4 like I am. With no PSN Plus required either. On PC gaming there is even more F2P material that's great. There is nothing special about a game being free.
  11. I mean it looks fucking amazing. Compare the visual ass that is the Witcher 3 and this. Both came out the same year.
  12. So no talent respecs, delete character and start from scratch? What's the end game about.
  13. 1. De attachable controllers 2. Celullar connection (4g/5g) 3. Wifi/Bluetooth 4. VRAM 5. GPU So going by the VRAM and GPU, it's obviously not going to be a streaming only piece of hardware. I'm a bit surprised, but not anymore. If Sony is going to push movies, music and other features of this it will get interesting.
  14. Two things I didn't get. 1. Planks to border up the broken windows. Need to play more to see the usage and balanced. 2. Your knife breaks if you use it to guard yourself when a zombie grabs you. Breaks after 2 grabs, but does fighting normally with the knife break it?
  15. Honestly the demo is THAT good. This is a GOTY contender if the game amps stuff up, keeps the pacing and stuff going good. Even the demo is a lot better when played, than what we saw from someone playing the demos.
  16. I'm shocked how good it is, the knife mechanism with durability, the planks to border up windows. Also it feels nothing like the original aside from some rough visual template, the pacing, and horror design is completely different.
  17. Any tips for a beginner like me that will start it next month?
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