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Playstation Tablet

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Everything posted by Playstation Tablet

  1. Thats interesting. So what carries over with each leeague?
  2. Since it F2P, no PSN Plus required. Also its a fresh start, on PC all the players are decked out in Epic gear. Now is a chance to start the game and be competitive.
  3. They should make Destiny 3 ASAP, and make it F2P. I bet it will kill.
  4. Navi seems to be hitting issues. https://mobile.twitter.com/kocsis_ben/status/1083167111017652226?ref_src=twsrc^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1083167800963809282&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fs9e.github.io%2Fiframe%2F2%2Ftwitter.min.html%231083167800963809282
  5. The XBox literally misses like 30 Japanese games a year that are also on PC or Switch. Multiplats my ass. Its a shit system for multiplats.
  6. 7nm AMD solutions, within a 400-500 BOM cost probably with an initial lose. Navi, Ryzen 2, GDDR6.
  7. 2021 is a joke. Literally no one thinks that's ever happening.
  8. PS5 literally is guaranteed not to be anything later than March 2020. Nevermind 2021.
  9. Division is coop with friends. This will have a much greater impact than an Ass Creed game because of the online community.
  10. Any relevant next gen details for Navi, Zen 2 etc
  11. Going to be interesting how they remix Earth and Sea, by JRPG standards its not that great, or Yakuza. They need to up the track for serious/final fights.
  12. God Eater 3 is being made by the same team as Code Vein, and Code Vien was announced like 2 years before God Eater 3. So that will come out first, and I hope we get another Nioh quality Souls like.
  13. Steam should be worried, this is an Assassin's Creed size franchise. Insane. Ubisoft has announced it is partnering with Epic to bring The Division 2 to the latter's Epic Games store come launch on March 15, as well as on its own Ubisoft store. It won't be hitting on Steam at that time, however meaning the franchise is effectively jumping ship.Pre-orders for The Division 2 on the Epic Games Store are now live for the standard, gold, and ultimate editions of the game. In its press release of the announcement of this news, Ubisoft says the two companies are working together to "integ
  14. The issue I have with it, is it doesn't support Pro/X.
  15. The 360 version wasn't cheap either since it had a low print and was content gimp. This is a great offer regardless.
  16. Honestly I don't have a side in this, but Jehurey's stuff is bordering on fan fiction at this point. None of that will ever pan out, be real.
  17. The Dreamcast Sega fanboy is dismissing Yakuza, a game that's the closets you can get to Shenmue his fave game for some weird ass reason. While calling XBox the spiritual successor to the Dreamcast. I don't get modern XBox owners/audience at all. It makes no fucking sense.
  18. Dark Arisen expansion is great. Main game is Bleh.
  19. What's the order of release. I assume. 1. Ghost of Tsushima 2. TLOU2 3. Death Stranding
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