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Playstation Tablet

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Everything posted by Playstation Tablet

  1. PS5 Pro will probably have issues with RT and suck at it. Expecting RT from Switch 2 is insane.
  2. I just ordered daymare 1998. Let's see how this goes.
  3. I'll torrent it hope it gets cracked soon.
  4. Like any WRPG it's better to wait a few months so the bugs are ironed out
  5. I have like 50 games I own I haven't played yet. No time for all this. Playstation alone is overwhelming nevermind the Switch games
  6. I think people should set realistic expectations. It's Nintendo for Christ sake.
  7. Apparently it's a tiny bit better than the XBox BC version. I'm getting it on discount
  8. I didn't know the third waifu is a tranny 😛en:
  9. In portable mode. It's going to beat the PS4 in docked.
  10. When it comes to multiplats sheep should really wait till Switch 2 to hype stuff. Switch is pathetically weak.
  11. Nanite and Lumen and Horizon still looks better than any UE5 game running at 60fps.
  12. I think I'll wait for a few months for patches people are reporting that acts 3 and on are pretty busted.
  13. 4k is a waste most PC monitors are 2k 144hz. And Pro IS a good PC. We are going from a 2070 Super to a 3070 for 200 bucks. Sounds good to me.
  14. If I make a Paladin will I be forced to make lawful good choices in the story?
  15. I love Souls but there are just too damn many of these games. The demo for Lies of P was really good though.
  16. All I know is that due to the S being a piece of shit Baldurs Gate 3 is coming to XBox next year. While Pro will give us a kick ass upgrade 4 years into the gen.
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