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Playstation Tablet

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Everything posted by Playstation Tablet

  1. 500 can't be excluded. But I think it would be a mistake on their part.
  2. I have a feeling this might be this gen's Nier where gameplay is average but everything else is awesomeness you could achieve only in a low budget game.
  3. So this is coming out on February. That's next to Kingdom Hearts. Square Enix thought this one through.
  4. Switch PS4 XBox Numbers? Don't know.
  5. We've seen the end of PS4's Sony investments game wise. What we have now is final, and known. The big question and advantage is the massive amount of money Sony is going to throw to push the PS5 game wise. These idiots are talking about resolutions. All the first party games that are coming to PS4 are announced, that's it no new ones are coming.
  6. It has nothing to do with resolution. PSVR2, PlayStation Tablet, new games etc.
  7. Fat is not linked heart disease, in the abscense of carbs. The standard American diet is a sugar diet. Insulin resistance a disease caused by overconsumption of carbs, with constant sugar spikes is the most damaging dieting aspect you can have to the cardiovascular disease. Pretty much 99% of the population has Insulin resistance because we were never designed to grains by the pound a day. This is possible only due to modern agriculture, and fruits were seasonal and a fruit now is 10x the size and sugar content, its mutated abomination, not a real fruit. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.
  8. Tell this to the people that stopped taking Insulin injections, blood pressure medication, and statins, epilepsy pills while these drug dealing doctors couldn't give a shit beyond shoving a pill or an injection down people's throats. There is a whole show about doctors not giving a fuck in weight lose solutions, beyond taking tens of thousands of dollars to chop up someone's stomach on a surgeon table. Then admitting bariatric surgery has a 95% failure rate.
  9. Joe Rogan the big supporter of keto dieting? Some of those points are flatout wrong. Constipation? Meat and fat diet get so good you shit out a bit of creme. Mental fog? This is a lie. One of the reasons people go on keto is because your sugar is stable there are no crashes without getting a sugar hit. It's used to treat mental and brain disorders with good reason. Nutrient deficiencies? You are eating the most nutritious foods in existence, and can eat 8 cups of vegetables if you choose to this
  10. Your white bagel diet is pure trash compared to a proven MEDICAL diet. Go eat your shitty standard American diet that's universally considered trash.
  11. What do you want me to add? Brocoli, cabbage, avacado, berries? I can do that. But I'm sick of that shit, and just going carnivore.
  12. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5475232/
  13. Butter and fat meat increases your healthy cholesterol, and the cholesterol myth has been debunked so many times. People that avoid fat have more cardiovascular issues than high fat consumption people.
  14. Also this is 100% true. This why the only calorie deficit you should ever have or do is fasting. "Dr. Jason Fung explains this in "The Obesity Code". The body has a homeostatic "thermostat". If you temporarily eat more, your body will raise its metabolic rate temporarily to burn off the excess and you lose it back once you quit overeating. But, people who lose weight by eating less and exercising more, and still eating carbohydrates, undergo a persistent lowering of the "thermostat". The metabolism doesn't recover like it would normally. That is why the poor folks on "The Biggest
  15. Nuts have inflammatory omega 6s and omega 3 metabolism from them is trash. Olive oil is just empty oil. I eat fatty meats I posted them. I agree with avacado being good though, but there is nothing I can't replace by just going carnivore.
  16. A ketogenic diet is one of the most science heavy diets with very specific rules. Most other diets, especially "normal" diets are just vague wishy washy generalisations with no meaning. I mean everyone is just offering a slight modification to the standard American diet at best and selling it as the best thing ever.
  17. Those 200 calories at the treadmill 3 times a week are the definitive way to lose weight.
  18. I never said don't excersise. I merely said its not a weight loss tool. It's a health and good body tool.
  19. Mixing fats with carbs is terrible. Eat the fats without carbs, then 4 hours later the carbs. The combination of fats with carbs is suicide. The two together are the worst thing you can do. Your body eats the fast access sugar, while the fat it doesn't know what to do with and it ends up being a complete cluster fuck.
  20. https://gamingbolt.com/ps5-and-next-xbox-will-likely-have-8-to-12gb-of-ram-says-hellpoint-dev I assume 16 and cheap ram or some hybrid flash solution for the OS.
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