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Playstation Tablet

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Everything posted by Playstation Tablet

  1. Even the fasting Community are bitching how the first 48 hours are so hard till you hit ketosis. So why not make it part of your diet so can fast whenever you want and however long you want. Getting into ketosis after 7 days of fasting, then breaking it with fruits to reset any possible fat adaptation, then start it all over again. It's miserable and torture. This way you can adapt a full fasting lifestyle that's easy to pull off. Plus the fasting benefits when you are fat adapted are much greater than randomly pulling off non fat adapted fasts from a carb diet. Quit
  2. I'm against the "standard" "mainstream" keto. 3 keto meals, keto fat bomb snacks, bulletproof coffee, 20 grams of vegetables. If you aren't using keto's hunger suppression and fat adaptation to fast, it's a waste of time. 24 hour OMAD, one meal a day is the minimum. You should be knocking of 48-72 hour fasts like nothing. Using keto as a fasting instrument.
  3. The biggest advantage of keto imo is fat adaptation. People that couldn't survive 8 hours without a snack on a normal carb diet, after a 6 week fat adaptation phase on keto. Can fast their ass off for 7 days without a single hick up. And the health benefits of fasting alone, are 10x the benefits of keto itself.
  4. Like magic. Fat digests perfectly with almost nothing left, so does protien. You are never bloated and it's possible to go 2 weeks without a single fart. There is borderline almost nothing to even shit out after eating a a steak with butter, or fat fish with butter. The things that can fuck you up are cheese and nuts. You basically fart out a bit of creme, and that's your shit after 6 pounds of meat and butter. I know this guy is a comical act, but his experience mimics mine. He healed his hemorrhoids by switching to meat and fat after trying to solve the issue with h
  5. Hasn't the blue zone been debunked. Since most of them consume extremely healthy fats like fish, high produce diary that we could only dream off finding in a supermarket etc. They aren't leaf eaters like marketed.
  6. The fasting Community that aren't in ketosis, but enter it after 48 hours by default by fasting all also note a certain mental clarity and that's without long term adoption. Generally speaking there is very little keto or fasting research out there. Well if you can find some studies that focus on brain functions on ketones vs glucose in healthy individuals, it'd be good. Most of it is anecdotal, but there is a reason why keto is popular aside from just weight loss. I also honestly view keto without fasting as a waste of time, both need to be combin d.
  7. That's during the keto flu stage, it's when you lose like 6-8 pounds of water and you need to replace the salt, potassium, and magnesium at record pace. After the adaptation phase its a different story. The 2 week keto flu is when most people crack.
  8. Yeah counting bagel calories isnt a joke in itself.
  9. You've lost every arguement in existence. You think calories arent affected by eating frequency, Insulin plays no role, and think fucking protein cant turn into glucose. Stfd.
  10. Some research on keto and mitochondria. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2898565/
  11. Everyone on keto notes improved brain functions, there is limited research of keto acting as mood stabiliser for bipolar which I can attest to being true. Also people jumping back from keto note that they start noticing brain fog associated with sugar jumps between meals, before your carb refeed.
  12. Come on these people were spreading the egg cholesterol myth for half a century, till all of a sudden their little dogma got flushed down the toilet. What exactly is your issue with a high fat diet. Quality fat sourcing increases good cholesterol and decreases bad.
  13. Ketones are the superior brain fuel, compared to glucose. Keto started as an epilepsy diet for a reason. https://www.epilepsy.com/learn/treating-seizures-and-epilepsy/dietary-therapies/ketogenic-diet
  14. I do it from time to time like once a week. You kinda need the sweet taste sometimes, after a 7 day fast. I generally use stevia for coffee.
  15. Why are you shoving this trash in the face of someone that can fast for 7 days straight? I don't give a shit of your diet advice from fucking Washington Post of all things, the definitive source for everything weight loss related.
  16. Don't worry it's a lot less deficient than a fucking diet of whire bread bagels, pasta, and diet creme cheese.
  17. Keto kills hunger, no one tracks calories, because for the average person it's literally impossible to over eat. It's impossible to overeat steak calorie wise because it's that saitieting. While people that would go on a diet on white bread bagels would be shoving 4000 calories and still stay hungry because its pure trash.
  18. SheepKilla is arguing that eating a steak is bad because it has more calories per gram, but you can proudly eat the same amount in a cubic meter of grass.
  19. This idiot keeps counting calories like a housewife. His understanding of shit is comical.
  20. Who exactly is most people, and second of all you probably know this. But in keto there is a sugar withdrawal of about 2 weeks, sometimes labeled as keto flu, and fat adaptation takes about 6 weeks before you effectively use ketones. This applies to vegans too who have a gut bacteria adaptation phase. The conventional wisdom you're pushing towards is a slight modification of a standard American diet. It's to miniscule to lead to significant results.
  21. Fasting increases human growth hormone, keeps Insulin stable. Not everyone is an idiot to eat 6 times a day, you're arguing to be a fucking cow endlessly grazing.
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