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Playstation Tablet

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Everything posted by Playstation Tablet

  1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aspic In Russian, Belarusian and Ukrainian cuisine, a meat aspic dish is called kholodets (Russian: холодец, Belarusian: халадзец, Ukrainian: холодець) derived from the word kholod meaning "cold." In some parts of Russia it is called studen' (студень), derived from another root with a similar meaning. The dish is mostly part of winter holiday festive meals, although modern refrigerators allow to cook it all year round, and it is not surprising to see kholodets on a Russian table in summer. However, kholodets is still considered as a traditional
  2. Gonna post the results with a paper that says Saucer next to it.
  3. As opposed to eating a bucket load of literally nothing than calories, because the marketing department put a "diet" label on it.
  4. China went from a complete shithole, when the budget of Hong Kong was bigger than all of China to the highest GDP country though. I don't think that's one country to use as a marker, there are far worse example.
  5. Communism is about the war of classes. I assume LGBT view themselves as a class fighting against a class of heteros, that are oppressors. Or something like that.
  6. Not drinking on new years eve alone should be one hell of a commitment.
  7. Collagen is the main protien for skin, hair, nail health. Go eat your zero calorie candy colored diet gello.
  8. Going to boil these for 3 hours to get a whole pot full of gellified collagen/gelatin protien, add some chicken. And then spread it over a few days since both are pure protien and eat them with butter. Gonna get this.
  9. I've tried looking at the foods I could add from vegan keto, but to be honest they are all trash. Not a single good food to add, aside from maybe avacado. And even that is fairly worthless in front of pure animal food. https://www.reddit.com/r/veganketo/ Generally the only things I'd ever bother with that are plant based are berries.
  10. Keto =/= low carb. Low carb is just exactly that, low carb. Ketosis is a metabolic state. You can even achieve ketosis on a vegan keto diet, but Veganism is a terrible nutrient deficient diet. Vegan keto even more inane.
  11. God bless butter. If only I had known years ago.
  12. Sorry if eating a bunch of empty calories with no nutrients, getting a super fast Insulin and sugar spike from a processed white bread bagel, then crawling till your next sugar hit of pasta with "non processed" fat free pasta sauce doesn't sound very compelling. Then taking a vitamin supplement with terrible bioabsorbption.
  13. You realize it's sad you can get more vitamins from a bite of liver or butter, than a super market worth of white bagels.
  14. The worst "diet" scams that exist are those grain bars, and other fiber labeled shit. If it says whole grains, throw that in the garbage and just get a Mars bar. It's better.
  15. Check the fat free cheese spreads. They somehow manage to shove cheap ass palm oil in there.
  16. No the fact that it's empty calories with zero nutrients. Same as the white bread bagel. You consumed an X amount of calories with nothing in them and literally would get more vitonutrions from a bite of liver.
  17. You're trying to label a cheese with no calcium as healthy, it's like buying a beef sausage with no protien.
  18. This has been solved a million times in the carnivore community.
  19. Yes a cheese with 0 calcium is not very alarming.
  20. Liver on the left, pork meat on the right and butter. More nutrition than literally a super market worth of "non processed" White bread bagels and diet creme cheeses.
  21. Imagine eating pasta, and punching it into your weight watchers calorie calculator. Is mah sauce diet fat free.
  22. Your brain dead advice is from shitty women's magazine next to the fucking fruit juice detox section.
  23. You realize everyone here is laughing their asses of here for you being clueless enough to fucking calorie count. Go subscribe to weight watchers with all the post menstrual women you dumb fuck.
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