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Playstation Tablet

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Everything posted by Playstation Tablet

  1. Cheddar cheese serving macros. You know the thing that actually has vitimans, and calcium. You're chewing on "healthy" toilet paper. Total Fat 9.6g Carbohydrates 0.4g Protein 6.8g Calcium 191.4mg 20%
  2. You just posted the most processed piece of shit imaginable while bitching about meat cuts, with zero nutrition density, it has the nutritional contents of chewing on paper.
  3. How can on God's green earth can a cheese have more sugar than fucking protein. What is this trash made of. 0% calcium in a milk product.
  4. Please post the ingredients and ratios of your "diet creme cheese".
  5. The perfect next gen balance is improved reconstruction techniques. This way you can balance price, and image quality. Improved checkerboarding solutions would be the best thing for next gen. Tard pack is too ghetto, and a high end model is too niche and expensive. I think reconstruction techniques could hit the perfect balance, hopefully 500 bucks isn't the next gen standard price.
  6. If you bodybuild you either eat at normal, overeat. Or build while fasted. This retard thinks you can bodybuild at constant monthly calorie deficit, and not following any macros.
  7. Let's hear what your "diet" marketed trash has. Red pill dude buying fat House wife products.
  8. So you replaced healthy natural cheese with a sugar stuffed "cheese product" instead.
  9. Well it could also be something other than Uncharted. A new AAA studio from Sony sounds exciting, hope they are expanding the Japan studios behind the scenes since their new PlayStation CEO is Japanese not American.
  10. Even fucking bodybuilders have a saying abs are built in the kitchen, not the gym. Also this retard doesn't know about bulking and cutting.
  11. Studio has been long speculated to take over Uncharted while ND does a new IP. https://www.resetera.com/threads/new-job-listings-suggest-3rd-person-action-adventure-game-in-development-at-sonys-new-studio-in-san-diego-speculation-that-it-could-be-uncharted-5.90160/
  12. My food pyramid. Ignore the sun and high meat.
  13. Studies have shown that people that get the fastest weight loss, maintain the went lose best. Which makes perfect sense, people that want the weight to go down as fast as possible, are the ones that will be the ones motivated enough to keep it down. The reason fast weight loss works is because it's very motivating, if you're burning body fat like crazy, you will get to your goal because you're that motivated. If you just keep sticking to housewife level conventional wisdom of just do it slowly, over time, most people fail on this. It doesn't get results, it's not motiva
  14. Empty calories like bread, pasta, rice that contain literally no nutritioning to you are healthy and quality. One stick of butter has more vitamins, nutrients, and minerals than a mini van stuffed with pasta. And modern mutated sugar bombed like oranges and bananas are super foods. Thats not counting the anti nutrients in plants, fruits, vegetables and terrible bioavialability of the ones found in them. Please never talk again.
  15. March PS5 reveal? https://twinfinite.net/2018/12/sony-japan-studio-unannounced-game/https://www.4gamer.net/games/999/G999905/20181219044/ Sony Interactive Entertainment Japan Studio just released the critically acclaimed Astro Bot Rescue Mission and they have more in store according to Producer Teruyuki Toriyama, as he explained in a New Year special on the Japanese website 4Gamer. Toriyama-san, who recently worked on the aforementioned Astro Bot Rescue Mission, Déraciné, and Bloodborne, mentioned that in 2019 studio will be preparing to reveal an una
  16. After your endless 4K spam, I'm having a very hard time understanding how you're selling us a 1080p machine as next gen here.
  17. I agree that a base 1080p machine makes perfect sense since they want to shove that into their streaming server bases. I think having a choice is a good thing, the two SKUs should be fine if it's just a resolution difference. If it's a choice that doesn't gimp the high end SKU, it's fine. But talk about a change of atmosphere and expectations.
  18. Speaking of bodybuilding here is a zero carb keto bro that used to do the typical chicken breast diet. Interesting take. What's GD's take on this?
  19. Brad Sams (SP?) the dude that leaks MS shit basically suggested it's a turbo X. A week ago people were bitching 12tflops is the minimum for next gen, and all of the sudden the narrative that an 8tflop console with new RAM/CPU is more than enough for a next gen entry. After all the 4K marketing hype, and endless shit people are seemingly going to be fine with what seems to be a borderline 1080p next gen tard pack? I'm a bit baffled, I always viewed 4K as a waste of rendering power. But damn the pendulum is swinging a bit too much in the other direction...
  20. Why? There are plenty on keto. Just Google it. Some use keto with carb cycling every 2 weeks or so if they really want max results. Generally the average dude that goes to the gym doesn't need carb cycling either, that's for people bordering on professionalism. https://www.reddit.com/r/ketogains/
  21. This game suffers from the David Cage syndrome of Heavy Rain and especially Beyond 2 Souls. It thinks its telling a story, way beyond what they're actually achieving. It's a fairly hack job of a story, character, and nowhere near the impact they think they are making. Not even remotely. The game is very enjoyable, and I like it. Also feels like they are dev that just discovered facial capture, and getting an actress to make retarded faces endlessly is good character growth. Solid game. Sloppy as fuck story telling. Fire the guy that wrote/directed the story in this an
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