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Playstation Tablet

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Everything posted by Playstation Tablet

  1. Eat 2000 calories over 6 meals a day spiking your Insulin everytime you eat. Or eat 2500 calories in one meal a day spiking your Insulin once. Guess which one will result in weight loss.
  2. Hey genius you can't burn fat with your Insulin spiked as well.
  3. Yeah buying those mystery sausages for 3 pounds per a dollar or eating the whooper at Burger King =/= meat diet.
  4. What exactly is "tried and true" though. This sounds to broad of a spectrum.
  5. The 70s called. The high cholesterol myth has been debunked so many times its not funny. Let me remind you, testesterone, your brain and every cell of your body is made out of cholesterol.
  6. Fasting is anabolic and increases metabolism. Low calorie is catabolic and decreases metabolism. If you want to lose weight long term, you got to either eat till you're full or fast. There is no between. Eating 1000 calories a day is metabolic sucuide.
  7. I'll explain this. If your fat intake falls below 60 percent then protein turns to sugar/glucose. So if you eat something that's basically pure protein like liver or chicken breast, you need to hit your fat needs with something. If you don't eat the butter the protein from a chicken breast turns to glucose. Protein isn't a sugar or glucose, but your body has the function of being able to turn it into glucose.
  8. I don't have a bias or a side here. Its not my fault the high fiber, eat 6 times a day mantra is dogshit in 2018. Fuck I'd be a pure fruitarian of the whole thing actually worked or made sense.
  9. Is this a joke? Go eat the same amount of calories in chicken breast or protein powder, then go eat the same in fat and see how long you last. Protein partly turns into glucose, especially in high amounts, giving Insulin spikes and hunger. Fat cannot utnr into glucose.
  10. IF and keto are a match made in heaven though. Keto makes you burn fat effectively and lowers Insulin. And IF has the same goal prevent Insulin spikes so you burn fat. They are two sides of the same coin.
  11. Fat digests slower than even the most fiber foods in existence. And doesn't spike INSULIN. The main fat preserving and fat burning hormone.
  12. If you have a choice. 1000 calories of high fiber food, or 1000 calories of pure fat. The fat will keep you fuller by 3x longer than the high fiber food. Especially since fat doesn't spike Insulin. And second, since fat does not spike Insulin, you can eat MORE calories.
  13. So you're a sugar addict that's taking a sugar enema, instead of a sugar injection. It changes nothing in the grand scheme of things, especially when it comes to Insulin. The hormone you actually have to lower to lose weight.
  14. Fat makes you fuller for longer than fiber ever will per calories ingested. This is not even a debate. Out of the 3 macros, carbs, protein, and fat. Fat keeps you the most saitied per calorie. AND it doesn't spike Insulin. Carbs, fiber or no fiber spike Insulin.
  15. ... Lol? Fiber is the main thing that makes you lose weight? Are you even serious here.
  16. Slowing down digestion of sugar in your opinion is some sort of big achievement? Is this supposed to change the fact you're still downing the same amount of sugar over a slightly longer period of time?
  17. Digestable fiber is a sugar yes. Undigestable fiber is trash blocking your digestion system.
  18. Digestable fiber is a sugar yes. Undigestable fiber is trash blocking your digestion system.
  19. Fiber is trash. All it does is slow down the digestion and absorption of the sugar you in take. The difference between a bowl of sugar or oatmeal is 40 minutes of absorption of said sugar. All you're doing is stuffing your digestive system with a trashy irritatant that makes you shit it out more.
  20. All carbs are processed into glucose. The source of carbs is irrelevant. If its pure cane sugar, pasta, rice, beans, a banana, an orange or even kale or brocoli. It's all glucose in the eyes of your body.
  21. Let's say my maintenance on a pure/carb sugar diet is 2000 calories and I eat 3 times a day spiking my Insulin out the ass. My maintenance on a 80 percent fat 20 protein diet would be somewhere around 3500. Because fat doesn't spike Insulin. Calories in and calories out is relic of a past age. That's not taking into account the hunger spikes everytime your sugar and Insulin start going up and down like crazy, making you a junky for your next sugar hit.
  22. I eat organs. Liver, bone marrow, variety of fats, hearts, cow tongue, cow organs etc.
  23. What exactly is the super food aspect of fruits exactly... They're just huge sugar bombs. Except they are even worse since fructose is toxic to the liver, and your fastest road to fatty liver disease. Also the fact you are even using a 1960s concept of calories in and calories out, in an era where Insulin plays an equal if not greater role shows how clueless you are. The "Red pilled" dude has the dietary knowledge of a 50s post menstrual women reading 70s women's magazines.
  24. I'm casual with working out, I'm not striving for any herculean results. Keto is more than fine with me. Issue with lean meat is that it's very nutritionally low in well, everything.
  25. Butter is a super food dense in everything one of the most important foods is, but even more concentrated. Milk. The key ingredient of mayo is the yellow part of the egg which contains all the nutrients another super food.
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