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Playstation Tablet

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Everything posted by Playstation Tablet

  1. Atlus said they will have multiple 2019 announcements. I assume ports/remakes. Persona 3 PS2 is really flawed, and the PSP version is a ridiculous downgrade.
  2. Celeste limited print in January. Remij. This shit better be worth the hype. I'm obviously getting it, but I think I might get overhyped.
  3. They are crappy rom dumps with 20 games each.
  4. That doesn't happen after you've been water fasting for 10 days before as practice and are fat adapted after 70% fat diet for months. Also you're a fat ass. You can fast for weeks on end.
  5. Have you seen the shit that releases on steam. At this point nothing would surprise me.
  6. Getting a retail release. What in the name of fuck is this.
  7. It's funny how sheep pretend the NES and SNES mini are somehow good as well.
  8. You can choose to eat NPCs for experience or keep them alive. The issue is to get the max XP you need to solve their stories. But the stories are so bad, and just copy paste its terrible. Should have had 1/10th of the NPCs but make them actual characters.
  9. Started off with lots of potential, but it turns into a boring slog. I recommend skipping this game completely.
  10. Also it does "pop" fat cells faster, because you make a liter of metabolic water from fat cells since they are about 25% water. Your body isn't technically full dehyrated. You can piss out a liter of water on the 5th day alone.
  11. I suspect the Switch 2019 revision will include 5G, and Nintendo will basically monopolise the gaming portable streaming market. Google Stream and XCloud are fighting their asses off to get on to Switch. Lemmings are in massive preemptive damage control mode.
  12. This coming from a "publisher" that released two games they own Sunset Overdrive and Quantum Break on the competing Steam.
  13. RE7 already uses foveat rendering. Look at the side blur in the base PS4 version.
  14. Going by the PC space? Increased ress? Expected and a given. New controllers? Well no shit. What else is coming to VR? I heard that future headsets will have add on options of battery/wireless to buy as an add on. Is this true?
  15. There is no Ori studio. It's a collective of people from around the world dumbass. There is nothing to even buy.
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