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Playstation Tablet

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Everything posted by Playstation Tablet

  1. I'm not exactly what you're defending here in this version. Aside from maybe it existing.
  2. I'll never forget 2009 when I shelved my 360. Halo ODST was an abysmal embarrassment SP wise and I tried the lagging as shit Firefight with 4 SW members. And I was paying for this shit while PS3 had free online. Bought a PS4 with MGS4, Demon Souls, Uncharted 2, Valkyria Chronicles, and Ninja Gaiden 2 Sigma. Never touched an XBox console ever again.
  3. Even Persona 2 on PS1 emulation still has lock ups for many users. I don't want to imagine how you spend 10 hours on a game, then even with specific emulation configuration on a game to base it still locks up because it can't render on specific effect that you see once in a game and can't progress further. Post SNES emulation is dogshit. Even PS2 games have bugs, broken physics, and other shit when the emulation doesn't run game logic at the right framerate and other ghetto shit.
  4. Announced on twitter. I assume a PS4 limited print is on the way. Devs said for some reason they aren't porting to Switch, whole trash like Yooka Laylee did get ported and even got a limited print on Switch.
  5. Black Hand aside I don't think anyone ever really defended the Wii U that much. Though as always sheep were pretending it was some sort of untapped hardware powerhouse.
  6. I'd like Nintendo to save Grasshopper if no publisher is going to work with them. They should go on Kickstarter, they can easily raise a million or two, then get a publisher to help with the funding. I have no idea why they aren't trying.
  7. The Japanese version has no voice acting in Japan on PS4. The English version is fully voice acted. Play the game first.
  8. It's 30 bucks here for PS4, that's what I got it for. Probably like 20 bucks by 2020. While this will be 60 and noting how Switch games don't drop in price. Complete meh.
  9. Terrible trailer, no new content like characters or anything significant. Vague 2019 release date for Japan. Probably 2020 for the West.
  10. Noting the game is pretty blurry on base PS4 with 900p with with some pop in, and fairly low Shadows the Switch version will be pretty ugly. Question is if the extra content any good.
  11. The marketshare of these services from 2 months ago. PSNow has almost 4 times as many subscribers. That's embarrassing.
  12. Answer this. Why are XBox owners barely signing up for this shit even with MS's absurd marketing, pricing muscle.
  13. Breath of the wild lacks big time in multilayered vertical design. It does it way better. Both are stunning open world games though.
  14. I think if Sony sees it increase their PSNow and PSN Plus user base they will totally do it even if it will be fairly niche. They said they plan over 100 million PSN Plus users. I can't see that happening without some additional hardware beyond PS4 and PS5. Especially when the majority of PS5 PSN Plus users will just be migrating PSr4 users.
  15. MS is trying to shill this crap hard and has whole conference dedicated to it for 2 hours at a time. Yet PSNow somehow has almost 4 times as many users and its a shit service that's 20 bucks a month and offers nothing. Will be revised for next gen as well. MS is even offering it for 30 bucks for 6 months now, and still people think it's trash. No sane person spends 500 on one then 500 on X to go through a dumpster of budget games that cost pennies to buy on a freaking disc with resell value.
  16. It looks like dogs it though. Xeno Switch 720p has very good visuals and effects docked, even if the resolution is compromised. They chose the lesser of the two evils imo. It doesn't matter though since this game is never leaving Switch.
  17. Speaking of which Nintendo needs to go in for the kill, and release a 150 dollar Dock only TV Switch. No tablet. No bullshit. Just super cheap entry platform.
  18. You spend thousands of dollars on hardware, what exactly is stopping you from playing games you want instead of random welfare trash MS puts up on gamepass?
  19. There is no way it will play PS5 games outside of some rare downports. I don't think a 2019/2020 7nm tablet can even handle base PS4 games.
  20. It's been confirmed by financial Times, that a PlayStation Tablet is coming. The new PS CEO John Kodera said they are researching ways to merge the console and portable market. This was in 2017, a post Switch World that proved phones are not the only viable handheld solution. The question is will it only be a PS5 accessory that can stream from the PS5 and from PSNow. Or will it play games, have its own storage space, render games natively. I think with the head of PS being Japanese they might be crazy enough to go for a fully fledged handheld. I assume Vita was profit
  21. Better than 1 game per gen. We got 1 Zelda on Wii. One on Wii U. Switch will get one Zelda game that's original for it, unless we get remasters or 2D Zeldas. Quality is the question. We used to get 3 FF games in a 5 year gen and everything was fine.
  22. This is just one area. They are not only HUGE, but the landscape feels unique, well thought out. I bash the god awful combat, but the scale is breath taking. It really dwarves BOTW as well.
  23. I kinda wish Zelda was an annual franchise with the quality of BOTW. I hate having to wait for Nintendo's big single player guns, but they are worth it.
  24. PC gaming is whatever you want. Build a 400 dollar box. For many that's just fine.
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