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Playstation Tablet

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Everything posted by Playstation Tablet

  1. Vampyr Ni No Kuni 2 .Hack Gu Last Recode Hellblade And KNACK 2 BABY!
  2. For reference Valkyria 4 didn't even get a single video, while they keep shitting out Doom patch videos which are all still trash.
  3. There are so many games to analyse, and this garbage gets endless videos.
  4. Getting Persona 5 exclusive to the Epic store would be a huge fuck you to steam.
  5. I assume PSVR is guaranteed, plus should look great with PS5 pushing the visuals. 081. Sony Interactive Entertainment’s Keiichiro Toyama 2019 Keyword: Comeback. While the thought never occurred to me during the year, 2018 was a troubling year where one thing after the next didn’t go as expected. We had the opportunity to speak with Siren fans of 15 years at the “Siren Exhibition,” and I was able to get motivation for making games in the future, as well as big hints. In 2019, I want to turn over a new leaf and go full power from the very beginning!
  6. The game really takes a long time to take off, a bit too long but now it's fantastic. They already have everything ready to remake old games using this as a base, then again they have Octopath to remake old FF games and do jackshit with it.
  7. Well it's more of a global thing. Sega has let its Euro branch go crazy by porting Shenmue remasters, greenlight ing Panzer Dragoon remakes etc. Sega is getting stuff done even if it's some very weak branches porting and stuff.
  8. This is so stupid. But the good thing is it seems Atlus now just let's Sega port shit since they own them. Expect SMT on PS4/PC and Persona on Switch/PC.
  9. This makes sense if PC is getting 360 BC in form of One support. So you're just getting the 360 BC version running on PC through MS's emulator.
  10. Good Souls likes are rare, and full 3D rogue likes with a budget even more so. All rogue likes are 2D arsty indie shit or some Vita pedophile JRPG.
  11. XBox brand is a joke. First gen I don't own an XBox, and with PS5 and Switch there is literally zero chance MS will get me to buy an XBox next gen. The whole brand has just become one glorified rental bin service.
  12. They've been doing cool remasters and Killer 7 is on the way. Safe to assume other stuff is after. So it's all cool.
  13. They are just better of going to kickstarter at this point, no one will fund the budget for a 3D action game. Nintendo will skip them. Just watch and so will everyone else.
  14. TLDR, they're short on cash, downsizing, and praying someone steps in and funds them. https://www.resetera.com/threads/grasshopper-manufacture-suda51-no-more-heroes-now-lists-nintendo-co-ltd-as-major-client-among-other-big-changes.88426/ Doesn't seem like NMH3 has a willing publisher or funding at this point. It's merely a concept.
  15. Completely agree, but that was 2 years ago. It's nothing like that anymore. It was basically a retarded gear check. It was cheap as fuck. I quit the game at the same level. Now it has so much stuff to compensate even free deaths without medals once a day. The whole point is that its transformed big time like Warframe did from a decent flawed game to a great one.
  16. It currently has a month long No More Heroes event. You can get Travis's Beam Saber and full gear set on top of unique buffs/stickers.
  17. It's rogue like grind has been vastly reduced, rebalanced and a ton of features and options have been added. Enjoy Souls like games? Well this nails it in a completely unique way, and should be played by everyone.
  18. Sony Corp.’s new PlayStation chief John Kodera said he sees a future in portable gaming, departing from his predecessor’s view that there’s a limited market for handheld games. Kodera, who replaced Andrew House as the head of the 1.84 trillion yen ($16.6 billion) games division in October, said portable gaming should be seen as an important part of the PlayStation ecosystem, adding that Sony is carrying out various experiments in the field. He hinted that the next console may be closely integrated with portable devices, but said it’s “not yet the right stage to discuss specifi
  19. Sony is Japanese. They are insane enough to try some sort of portable solution even after the Vita.
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