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Playstation Tablet

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Everything posted by Playstation Tablet

  1. Russian videogame market in 2018 (stats only for consoles, excluding PC and mobile) → https://www.kommersant.ru/doc/3828218 Some info: – for the first 9 months (from Jan to Sep) ~ 6,8 billion RUB in revenue (HW only). Expected (by the end of this year) more than 12 billion RUB (~ 180 million USD). – retailers are planning to sell about 629 000 videogame consoles in 2018 (up to 33% compared to last year) – most popular console in 2018 is PS4 (about 70% of all sales). – Switch HW sales is 2x up compared to 2017. Best-selling games in 2018:
  2. Yes except this is exclusive to Nintendo platforms. MS is literally throwing shit on a competing platform PC. And soon every device under the sun with XCloud.
  3. Topping SNES is hard because of the lack of Square exclusives, and that's when they were at their prime. DS was honestly a decent handheld, but it was still part of the handheld gaming ghetto no matter how you position it.
  4. https://gonintendo.com/stories/324653-rumor-blind-squirrel-games-working-on-remastering-3-fighting-ga Apparently the first is Ultimate Mortal Kombat.
  5. Since we are on the topic of Switch lately. 1. The hardware is the most competitive Nintendo has released in the last two console generations, where Wii and Wii U were comically underpowered. One was a turbo Gamecube a generation later, and Wii U was inferiour to PS360 in the CPU department. If you look at it from a handheld perspective there has never been a Nintendo handheld even as remotely as high end at the time of its released. Its not really a third party friendly piece of hardware, but it's more than adequate for Nintendo's first party games looking great. 2.
  6. To 99% of all Wii U remasters are exclusive to Switch. No sane person is going to buy that piece of shit to play inferiour versions of the same games. The platform is so bad and unappealing, the Wii U versions are irrelevant in reality.
  7. Well deserved. This is the superior cinematic experience. Don't take away my control from me in a pseudo action game like Uncharted, make it pure action and platforming. Fully cinematic games is the best way to do cinematic games.
  8. Suda51 also wanted Travis in Smash. I think there is a chance he might get a Smash announcement. I think he's a good character to add.
  9. The motion controls were terrible. PS3 version also had Move support on top of the Dualshock. NMH2 supported the Pro on Switch. It's by the far the best way to play the games, and for NMH1 they should port the PS3 version. It had multiple improvements like mission retries without going back restarting from your home/base. Anyways it would be a good collection to get on Switch. PS4 version would be nice with 4K support, but it being Switch only is fine if they can get it to 60fps.
  10. What defines Switch is exclusives you can't get on other platforms. That's the most important part. The graphics and performance are sub par. Third party support is mediocre. The portability feature doesn't appeal to everyone. All I want from it is quality exclusives that I will play on my TV, with a Pro controller. It ALL comes down to exclusive software for Switch. Fire Emblem, Bayo 3, Metroid, future Zelda and remasters of older Nintendo games is more than enough to own the system in 2019.
  11. The right analog placement is terrible, and the position difference between the buttons and analog is also terrible. As far as I'm concerned Zelda or Bayonetta are only playable with the controller, that's a quality experience.
  12. The joycons are literally so bad it makes portable moder unusable. Everyone who defends the joycons is just faking it and lying.
  13. It's crazy to think next gen Sony will be the only one with PSVR. PS5 + PSVR2 is going to make a world of difference in the quality of the experience.
  14. I like the Witch contollrt but the buttons are the XBox in reverse. I fail so many QTEs I Bayo 1 and Xenoblade.
  15. The John Romero game will also run on the Quake engine, and another Quake engine game is coming. So awesome. OG Quake had the best atmosphere.
  16. Playing DMC3 in the PS4 HD Collection. And I got to say all 3 modern controllers for the 3 systems are vastly inferiour for this specific game. Lack of triggers is actually a good thing for action games on the Dualshock 2.
  17. True but Dogma is an open world game, Nioh is a linear game. Since most WRPGs are open world thought it was a better choice. Last gen game having better gameplay that any WRPG this gen is tragic.
  18. DUSK on Steam, if you've never heard of this game before now.DUSK is also confirmed to be coming out for the Nintendo Switch relatively soon.Now for the reviews:Metacritic - 91/100Open Critic - 93/100Destructoid - 9.5/10 That really explains DUSK well. This is shooter perfection and something fans of the classics need to experience. Maybe it doesn't redefine what is possible with video games, but it beats out basically every other shooter I've ever played. I know I'll be replaying this for years to come and I look forward to seeing what fans are capable of with mod tools.
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