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Playstation Tablet

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Everything posted by Playstation Tablet

  1. Even the MGS art director is on this, the box art looks fantastic.
  2. The low budget Cavia PS2 take on MGS. It was really fun for what it was. This looks very similiar.
  3. It's Square's take on MGS and it looks great. It looks like those AA budget PS2 era games we are really missing. Its not going to be a masterpiece, but we need more games like this.
  4. The other two are worth playing, but we've had tons of Western open world games this gen. Octopath is just more "fresh" and unique, even if it's a modern take on 16 bit JRPGs.
  5. If this sells well the Saga will get ported. I mean BluePoint for example reverse engineered the MGS collection, rather than working with the source code. I can't see how hard it can be to reverse engineer an old ass Saturn game on modern powered systems.
  6. The Euro branch of Sega ported Shenmue HD. So it seems to have sold well and now they will be going through a lot more.
  7. MS knows they'll support more than just XBox and PC in a few years so they don't care.
  8. Development studio, so basically PS4/XBox/Switch/PC confirmed. http://www.forever-entertainment.com/en.megapixel_studio_s_a.html?PHPSESSID=243816f8cfb1d06e82a0847c7571f4c3
  9. Anyways the point is they are the only first party to have a two big JRPG franchise flagships with Xenoblade and Fire Emblem and even with those fund other JRPGs. Plus the Switch audience is very JRPG friendly, I think any new JRPG IPs they make will be met with success. The era of JRPG exclusives from third parties is pretty much done, so first party JRPGs play a crucial role like never before.
  10. I hope this means Sega goes full speed ahead with their retro games. So many games to remake, my personal ones would be the Jet Set Radio games and Shinobi/Nightshade PS2 games.
  11. JRPGs when done right are some of the most memorable games out there, and it's hard to not see value in a 40-60 hour and pay full price. So far exclusive wise we have. Xenoblade 2 Xenoblade 2 Golden Country Fire Emblem Three Houses Octopath Traveler (Though it could get ported) The Xenoblade team has now expanded to two games at a time development team and are making an ARPG. Plus Nintendo funds random JRPGs out of nowhere like The Last Story, Fire Emblem Mirages etc. Nintendo games never drop in pri
  12. The Japanese voice acting is done by high quality actors with proper motion capture. The English voice acting is a waste.
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