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Playstation Tablet

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Everything posted by Playstation Tablet

  1. PS5 will probably have a huge VR push, and built in VR functions into the console and controller. PSVR games are going to be added soon to PSN Plus. PS4 and probably PS5 won't have BC with PS3. So what's the point anyways.
  2. What beloved franchise. Outside of Gears, Halo, Forza I can't think of anything notable that MS has created. Lmao seriously.
  3. Free PS3 and Vita games cost Sony money. They are much better off throwing that money to improve and jncrease PS4 and PS5 game quality and quantity. The number of active PS3 and Vita gamers is miniscule.
  4. I guess they want to try get good Western sales. Doubt that will happen.
  5. They're clearly preparing for PS5 games. They don't want to pay for games that make PSN Plus for last gen.
  6. Almost all JRPGs are multiplat now, and Switch doesn't have access to the high budget ones like FF, Kingdom Hearts, Gran Blue etc.
  7. So I guess RE4 remake will be next gen? Hopefully not cross gen. Though I think it's gonna be hard to get the pacing right.
  8. "Dauntless, the Monster Hunter-like RPG that is currently available for PC, is making its way to PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, developer Phoenix Labs announced during The Game Awards. It is expected to arrive as a free download on these platforms in April 2019, when it will also become available through Epic Games' newly announced store on PC. Phoenix Labs has also said Dauntless is coming to mobile and Nintendo Switch later in 2019.The studio said Dauntless' arrival on new platforms brings it closer to the team's "One Dauntless" vision, which will allow players to connect through seamless cross
  9. https://www.instagram.com/pg_kamiya_insta/?utm_source=ig_embed Cygames gave PG the largest budget they ever had for Gran Blue for PS4. Now Capcom giving PG a mega budget for a new multiplat game? That'd be fucking great.
  10. It's not like we have much of a choice in terms of Japanese action games.
  11. Also newest Cerny patent apparently a technique to save on Ram usage. https://patents.google.com/patent/US20180336658A1/en?inventor=Mark+Cerny&oq=Mark+Cerny&sort=new
  12. https://mobile.twitter.com/StormtheBard/status/1071064996434583552?ref_src=twsrc^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1071065843692331010&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fs9e.github.io%2Fiframe%2F2%2Ftwitter.min.html%231071065843692331010
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