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Playstation Tablet

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Everything posted by Playstation Tablet

  1. It's okay it HAS FIBER1111!! (Basically undigestable bloating trash for cows and goats) So it will digest 30 minutes longer than a pure bowl of sugar! TEH MAGIC OF A PLANT BASED DIET (PS. Don't forget your daily vitamin B12 injections)
  2. I'm ordering 3 types of liver, goat guts, kidneys, and if I ever can get my hands on a cow or lamb head I'm going to bash it in to boil the brain. Eat it with a stick of grass feed butter.
  3. It's the Ys/Legend of Heroes guys. Great team.
  4. Maybe Valve will actually need to make games to make themselves less shitty even if they will be dominant. The sad part is that the Epic store will probably have more people buying games on it in a week than the Windows Store has.
  5. I think Nintendo isnt going to be at the TGA. So probably a suprise direct in the next few weeks IMO.
  6. It had those shit bubble health regen segments, fucked the pacing compared to the original. Metroidvania exploration needs to be smooth, not bloated.
  7. Godly. One of the best games ever, and 2 was also fantastic. 3 was also fun, didn't beat it.
  8. Confirmed Presenters for the TGAs: The Russo Brothers, Jacksepticeye, Christoph Waltz, Hans Zimmer, Rivers Cuomo, and Jonah Hill. This might have more good announcements than E3 itself.
  9. Chocolate is mostly fat. I got a 20 gram of carb limit a day on keto, and I can eat two 99% chocolate bars. 90% chocolate bars are also basically a fat bomb.
  10. You sound very defensive, something feels off about your responses...
  11. They're not bad, they're ineffficient. They're is a reason why you fart and shit like a motherfucker on them, your body digests them badly.
  12. The issue is that vegetables have this mythical health status that they flatout don't deserve in any way, so do fruits, especially. It suckers in a lot of people into veganism that dont care about the moral, or ideological side of things. Fake news propoganda of health.
  13. Yes. In numbers. Plant based proteins have 20% of the bioaviability of meat protein in the best case scenario. 100 grams of plant based protein gives you less than 20 grams of meat equivalent protein.
  14. [RUMOR] Mediamarkt.de lists The Last Story II for Nintendo Switch
  15. I've made 3 threads over the course of 3 months on this topic.
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