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Playstation Tablet

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Everything posted by Playstation Tablet

  1. Who ever said that. Even legumes are basically starch/sugar filled with barely any digestable protein. They are considered a holy staple alongside whole grains, basically more sugar.
  2. Only poor people would eat pasta, bread, ghetto grains, potatoes over a good piece of meat. Actually fuck that even those cheap sausages are better than the crap listed above.
  3. It has no loot, it has no leveling, it has stealth kills. What does this have to do with Bloodborne, and it's evolution in the slightest. Bloodborne didn't affect Dark Souls 3 that came later, different games and franchises.
  4. What does a game that started out as a Tenchu game have to do with a Bloodborne game?
  5. I know that, the issue is that they somehow managed to market it as a healthy diet regardless of the ideological underpinning to people that don't care about the moral crusade.
  6. First of all let's get this out of the way, if Veganism worked, I would be a vegan. I have no diet bias, what works is what I would do. It's insane how many diets are trying to pass fruits as one of the ultimate health foods, when modern fruits are highly modified to be even more sugar packed. Everything is just one glorified candy bar marketed as something healthy. Basically no essential fruits exist, contrary to most believes they aren't really packed with vitamins either. It's basically a sugar addict diet, fruitarian being the most comical and unhealthy branch of th
  7. Game looks good, but screens really don't so much of anything.
  8. Imagine if you get a fake chinese ebay keyboard instead of your RE2 Typewriter.
  9. It feels like System Shock 2 in music and atmosphere, if that counts.
  10. Dishonored 2 was a great game from them. Hated Prey, the enemy design, the skills, the balance its all dogshit.
  11. Someone save this thread for when the NPDs rollout.
  12. Let's assume my maintenence is 2000 calories if I eat 6 times a day spiking my insulin like a retard and not allowing my body to produce more human growth hormone. If I eat once a day my maintenence because of the lack of insulin spikes, and increase in human growth hormone can up my caloric maintenence to 2500. Calories in calories out is for clueless vegans, and women on juice fasts, and other mentally handicapped demographics who read cosmopolitan.
  13. Intermittenet fasting is great, but prolonged fasting has it's own benefits. And trust me you don't stall on prolonged fasting, your fat turns soft and mushy temporary, that means the fat cells are filling with water. After that you just piss them out, it's called the whoosh effect, and I can attest to it being real even though I was sceptical it existed at first. 72 hours of prolonged fasting increases your human growth hormone by 300%, which makes weight lose of prolonged much much better than intermittent. It's why you can eat like a pig once on a refeed after a prol
  14. https://gamerant.com/fallout-76-canvas-bags-given-influencers/
  15. What about it? A burger is mostly beef, actual meat. Subway is a glorified piece of bread, basically sugar with no nutrients. I'm not saying Mcdonalds is good, I'm just pointing out a fairly skewed perception. Where am I wrong? As keto you can go to fast food with friends, order a burger, throw the bread and fries away and you're good. If you throw away the bread in Subway you're stuck with 30 grams of meat.
  16. Also another important factor, when you fast your body goes through autophagy and eats up weak cells for protiens to recycle them. It NEVER touches the actual muscle fibers. Your body isn't stupid enough to eat up something that would help you catch food in the wild. A perfect example of this is huge fat asses with skin folds, and loose skin. Fasting reduces loose skin because of it. All that useless and inflammed skin is pure protien. Muscles TEMPORARY become smaller because glucogen and water are depleted, this becomes a non issue when you eat. Your body turns dietary protein int
  17. The definition of trash is very skewed. A macdonalds burger has tons of protein, and fat, with very little sugar and people lable it unhealthy. Then you go to subway, and it has almost no fat, or protien. It's all fucking sugar, it's a piece of crappy white bread. Yet everyone labels it health. When Macdonalds is 100x healthier than Subway.
  18. It will be good if it won't end up being to artsy fartsy with no gameplay.
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